

We can say in our own mastery that it was impure; that we not unlike the very elite that we studied with whom had not transcended the belief in death; we had simply instead deferred such beliefs elsewhere making the fabric of death based consciousness seemingly disappear.  In the disappeared state, the belief system of death was fractured off and given to another place, probably also dying much as earth.  To those upon Sirius, because the belief had disappeared, one assumed that it had been transcended and somehow mastered; alas this was not so.




What is the difference between disappearing a thought-form and real mastery?  Ah, here we get to the crux of our own spiritual lessons at this time of awakening upon earth.  We have waited a long time to understand; and we are not disappointed.  We are most grateful for the fortune of the presence of the Tao that allows now what we failed to understand in our own evolution to be understood.  When we arrived upon earth, the disowned thought-form of death came with us.  Soon we were destroyed by our own thought-form that we had assumed somehow we had transcended, but instead we had schismed over as Mila has coined.  In other terms, the thought-form of death had not been fully released from our cellular structure, and in coming to a new creation such as earth where there were no global agreements to splinter off destructive thought-form sending it elsewhere, we now experienced our own destructive thought-form returned, and destroyed ourselves ending our lives in death instead of ascension.




Real mastery or pure mastery has to do with taking each layer of thought-form that is in extreme polarity, such as the thought-form of death in all of it’s myriads of expressions, and transmuting it one layer at a time with the application of transmutative tones of creation.  Such tones have come from the Great Central Sun via the Tao to allow for real transcendence upon earth and within your creation.  As each layer is transmuted, one comes to understand how the thought-form was degraded within one’s ancestry through particular emotionally charged karmic experiences.  As the karma is released and erased down to a biological level, each layer of thought-form is transmuted in full, and a new thought-form of eternal life can be embodied in its place.




Such transmutative tones were not available upon Sirius at the time we were incarnate, nor upon earth at the time we relocated here.  Therefore we must forgive our Sirian mothers and fathers including the high priests and priestesses, for they had no other way of retaining life let alone ascending without separating light and dark, as the very tones of creation necessary for the real transmutation of the dark were missing.  We are happy to say that such tones are available now upon earth through the Language of Light and Language of One, and that those like Mila and Oa that are legitimately ascending, including the nature kingdoms and earth; each is applying such tones to their own density and mastering in a manner that we had not at the time that we were alive. And this brings us great joy, as it translates into the fulfillment of our original vision in coming to earth; that we would foster the ascent of the whole.







So where did the tones for transmutation go to and why are they unavailable?  Ah this brings us to an ever larger problem as analyzed by the Tao now as a result of the records pouring forth due to planetary, solar and creational ascension now underway in your sector of creation.  It appears that all within the Great Central Sun were never allotted transmutation tones of creation in the very casting that they received in the original expansion cycles of the Tao.  Why were such tones missing?  Well this has to do with a group of renegade souls in the Tao that had a plan, and the plan was for a means to a rapid ascent into greater mastery than they could gain through creational experience.  More or less these souls wished to cheat in their own evolution.




These souls gathered certain blueprints that were unused in the last creational cycle of the Tao, which included the blueprint for consensus realities such as earth, the nature kingdoms and the human blueprint.  These souls set such blueprints in motion in 18 quadrants in a small corner of the Tao that they thought no one was looking. However they set these creations or Great Central Suns in motion with the intent to extract the knowledge held innately in the blueprint of form; and in extracting such knowledge they then could rapidly rise through the initiation process of the Tao to manage greater and greater responsibility and have greater and greater power therein.




One might equate these souls to young adult humans who look at what an older human has accomplished and acquired in their lifetime, and then desire such rewards for oneself without the hard work that it took to manifest such a reward.  Such young adult humans might look for ways to cheat and manifest a fortune, such as those who practice insider trading upon Wall Street.  Such humans may indeed manifest a fortune for themselves, and perhaps they even acquire as many possessions as those who accomplish the same through their gifts and talents and hard work.  Such humans may then go on to hold leadership positions for all of humanity, and yet their entire foundation is the result of cheating or lawlessness; which leads to a lawless society.




Much of the large disparity of wealth and poverty, homelessness and hunger is really the result of leadership founded upon lawlessness that was the result of those who attained much through cheating, and then such principals became the foundation of those in power.  As power becomes lawless, then real law is turned inside out and upside down, and everything functions in distortion.  Human civilization as it is now is founded upon extreme distortion; there are those who control the world through many secret orders that include a chain of command to fulfill upon their decisions; such chains of commands include hit men and mafia type folk that are used to fulfill upon the dirty work of those in charge of the secret orders.  Nothing is really as it seems, as the orders also control the media; in so doing, those in the secret orders remain in power.




In parallel manner, these souls who cast creations only to destroy them are like the mafia or secret orders in human form, but they exist within the Tao.  They have gathered through extortion information from many blueprints from the Tao; and in so doing they have acquired as much information as the Tao, but not through evolutionary means.  They are a real threat to the continuation of the Tao; and may succeed at distorting the whole to such a great extent that nothing can be recovered.  This too has already been manifest; and is why the Tao now must go back in time and correct the dream by altering the past.  As the past is altered, the future will change, and the Tao will resolve its problems; as above, so below; as within, so without.




Because the souls cast the Great Central Suns with destruction as the outcome, the tones for real ascension and transmutation of thought-form were removed.  Instead of real ascension, each Sun went into the pattern of splitting light and dark, as the dark could never be adequately transmuted as the tones necessary to do so were missing.  As the split became great enough, portions of each Sun would drop into the vibrational bandwidths beneath and fall in consciousness.  Over time this occurred to such an extent that portions of each Sun were pressed outside of the boundaries of their own dream and into the space between creations.  This is what happened to earth so very long ago.


因為靈魂用破壞來鑄造大中樞太陽們,因此作為結果,思想形態的真正提升及轉化音調也被移除。作為對真正提升的取代,每個大太陽都進入到分離光明與黑暗的模式之中,因為當必須的音調缺失時,黑暗就永遠不能被充足轉化。當分裂足夠巨大時,每個太陽的一部分都下跌到下面的振動頻寬中,並使意識下跌。隨時間,這發展到這樣一個程度,使每個大太陽的一部分都被擠壓出自身夢想的界域之外,並進入造物的外在空間(space between,譯注:以前一直譯作“兩極空間”,雖有不妥,但未找到更合適的譯文;現在看來不如用“外在空間”更好理解。另space without原來譯作“一致空間”,以後也打算該譯為“內在空間”。如大家有更好譯文,請不吝賜教)之中。這就是極其漫長時間以來,地球所發生的一切。


However earth has a special place in the recovery of the Tao; for she holds specific keys as to the whys and wherefores of how each Great Central Sun was cast, and has recorded within her form all records from all lost creations.  Why is this so?  One may think of the casting of earth as a multidimensional multi-creational master record keeper.  Earth has been storing records since she was cast by the Tao; and as a result is one of the few creations that actually have the information about how and why the entire dance of the falling Great Central Suns came to be.  It is also for this reason that the Tao extends to earth and assists with her resurrection, as here lies some of the answers to the Tao’s own problems.







Before one can think about transcending physical law and mastering the skills of levitation, instant manifestation or teleportation and levitation, one must first master the lawless thought-form that one’s ancestry has fallen into.  Lawlessness equates not only to the lawless behavior that the human species is in as a civilization, but lawless energy movement within one’s form. 




What is lawless energy movement?  Lawless energy movement equates to time that runs backwards; or parts of fields that are inverted or turned inside out and upside down; or parts of fields that rotate backwards leading to a descending vibration rather than an ascending vibration; or missing grid work that has been pulled outside of the form into some sort of machine.   Each level of ascent allows more of the field to be rewoven to rotate in a manner that supports the life and well being of the form and allows for continued ascension.  One will find such distorted energy flow in the meridians of the etheric body as well as the small chakras therein; along with the larger chakras at the joints; and the seven to twelve major chakra centers surrounding the form; and in the subtle bodies, light body and greater auric field.




This is what much of the ascent to full consciousness is all about (36,000 strands of DNA); transcending lawless energy movement in all parts of the field.  For if one is going to even begin to consider transcending physical plane law, then one must first transcend how law became lawless as a spiritual lesson in one’s ancestry, and how one’s own energy flow sustains the lawlessness within one’s thought-form.  For in essence, law inverted or turned inside out in the human energy flow upon earth, which is why there is lawless behavior such as secret human orders and mafia hit men in the first place; it is a mirror for how the spiritual truth was inverted into non-truth. 






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