

Real mastery of instant manifestation or teleportation is actually much easier to fulfill upon in ascension than levitation and transfiguration.  Mila and Oa could instantly manifest or teleport now if they put their attention to it and had enough chi; the problem with such capabilities is the low availability of chi from the manifestation planes of nature; nature needs the chi that they have in order to ascend.  Taking chi away from nature in order to demonstrate magic or instantly manifest or even teleport would not be acting out of world service; alas if Mila and Oa did not act out of world service they would lose their status as ascended masters and their power would be taken away; and so Mila and Oa use such skills sparingly and only with the permission of earth and nature.




The ability to teleport developed early in Mila’s experience of ascension.  One time on a car trip to the Wine Country of California, Mila blinked and suddenly she was transported to another highway 30 miles away heading in the wrong direction.  She pulled over and asked her then guidance what had happened.  Her guidance explained that they had moved her in space and time to avoid an accident.  Indeed as she finally did approach the freeway that she had been on, there was a five-car pileup involving a big rig that she had missed being a part of. 


瞬間移動(穿梭)的能力在Mila提升的早期就發展。有一次,在開車到加州葡萄酒鄉(the Wine Country of California)的旅途上,Mila一眨眼突然被轉移到30英里外的另一條高速公路上,而且方向相反。她把車開到路邊詢問她那時的引導者發生了什麼。她的引導者解釋到,他們將她轉移時空是為了避免一次事故。事實上,當她最終來到她所曾在的高速公路上時,她看到有5輛車被撞成一堆,包括一輛她當時並未察覺的大型工程車。


More recently, a forwarded batch of mail with many checks that Mila and Oa required for the payment of their rent was lost.  Mila used the act of teleportation to receive her package.  The package ended up not in the mailbox but between the screen door and front door of their apartment.  As Oa opened the door the next day after Mila received permission to use teleportation to retrieve her package, there surprisingly was their mail.  Teleportation involves folding time and space thereby moving an object or oneself from one place unto another. 




However the act of teleportation takes much chi from earth and the nature kingdoms along with potentially causing a ripple or wedge in time and space of earth’s grid work.  At this time, earth is still repairing herself from all the misuse of such human knowledge at earlier times in your history; there are many problems in earth’s grid work as a result.  As all is repaired and all contribute their chi to the process of ascension, there will be enough chi for such experiences; until such time Mila and Oa only use such skills as they are given permission and as it does not compromise the ascent of earth or all species therein.




The ancient ones are pleased with the honor Mila and Oa have for earth and her kingdoms.  This is something perhaps we did not have at the time of our own incarnations; we looked at earth and nature upon Sirius as beneath human form; less than and obviously worth less.  How can one consider other kingdoms less than without ultimately being less than oneself?  This too contributed unto our demise at the end of our incarnations.  However we are here to attest that it is never too late to come to understand what one failed to understand at the time that one was alive; and we are learning through each of you that are choosing to ascend and are our present day ancestors in human form.







Instant manifestation requires holding a vision of a natural object that one desires to see in physical form, and then through the application of a load of chi, the desired object is pulled instantly down the seven manifestation planes into physicality; it is the angels who weave the genetic information that then creates the desired form in physicality.  Such manifestation can include anything made from natural fibers that host a carbon based genetic blueprint. 




One may be interested to know if there is genetic information for such things as plastic or other manmade materials or fabric?  No there is not and so one could not instantly manifest a computer, car, or any other object of manmade materials, as such things do not host angels or carbon based genetics, and angles and a carbon based genetic structure are required in the instant manifestation process.  Even the Sirian Spiritual Elite tried to manifest manmade objects in the time that we studied under them.  They never could accomplish this goal no matter how hard that they tried; as even Sirius had foreign substances and minerals that create products that were non-conducive to the energy flow of the two planets. 




This is why there was so much discord to displace onto other creations in the Sirian ascent; as they chose to ascend foreign minerals and objects that served human culture and civilization.  The ascent of such things produced a great deal of discord and this discord was offloaded onto earth and 24 other planets that are likewise dying.  We perceive now that the Sirian Spiritual Elite were lazy; that they did not wish to go to all of the trouble of forcing human civilization to give up those things that they were addicted unto and did not serve ascension. 




We are happy to say that human ascension upon earth is impossible without giving up ones addictions along with those relationships that do not support one’s evolution.  If one fails to give them up; then one will only ascend so far in this lifetime.  Furthermore future generations will release such attachments, as they are being removed from the human dream on the part of earth.  Earth perceives that manmade goods interfere with the process of inward searching and therefore are necessary to be removed from the dream for humanity to evolve as a whole.




Manmade products such as computers and cars, planes and trains, plastic and manmade fabrics host a nonphysical force that is not associated with the angels that hold the natural world upon earth.  In essence, such things are derived from silica-based substances that were left over from the era of the Dinosaurs or Anu.  Silica based substances are held in a foreign dream due to their biochemical nature.  One cannot command a foreign-based object to manifest unless one had command of foreign-based nature or angels.  Even the Anu did not have such command and had to use physical means to create and maintain their own spacecraft and other scientific machinery.  We suspect that the Anu never had spiritually mastered anything given the nature of their thought-form at the time of arrival upon earth. Therefore such information is simply unavailable in human form.




Into the future and as earth passes through the final star gate and enters the energy flow of the Great Central Sun, there will be ample chi for instant manifestation.  In so doing, humans who have earned such capability through ascension will be able to manifest any food that they envision; or anything else that they might need that hosts a physical blueprint and genetic structure that is carbon based.  Such humans will learn to work with the natural world to create homes in nature that provide for their own needs. 




One will be able to envision a tree house and then instantly manifest a tree in such a shape that is perfect to dwell within, that keeps one dry, safe and off the ground.  One could envision the perfectly shaped cave with its own protection, warmth and natural lighting from above and have the rocks rearrange themselves instantly according to one’s vision.  One could alter the pathway of water bringing it nearby one’s home to fill one’s thirst and to bathe within instantly through intention.  This we see ascending humans will master after entry into the Great Central Sun, and in so doing, humans will learn to live in the natural world in comfort, pleasure and ease.  We as we first relocated to earth created many mineral structures for our living pleasure with running water nearby along with hot springs to bathe within through such skills.




At this time, Mila and Oa do not use their instant manifestation skills.  Several years ago, it was explained unto them that the manifestation planes were already severely damaged and twisted from the misuse of such knowledge in earlier human history.  Even in present time there are those seeming spiritual masters who are the pawns of the false gods, that continue to demonstrate such skills and in so doing, continue to harm earth. Therefore Mila and Oa have turned their attention instead into correcting the manifestation planes so that a new dream could be anchored that supports human ascension and global ascension alike. 




Mila and Oa are humble; they live within their means.  They do not starve, nor do they hoard; they are choosing to be a living example of an ascending master who honors the needs of the consensus that they reside within.  In so doing they act out of non-ego and world service in all that they do.







So many are confronted in the potential limitations in ascension; many out of ego would like to ascend to full consciousness; alas one may or may not be able to accomplish this goal in this lifetime.  Limitation in ascension has to do with one’s genealogical inheritance.  Most will not be able to master full consciousness, instant manifestation, teleportation, levitation or transfiguration in this lifetime.  The reason for this has not to do with one’s intention, but rather a lack of biological information. 




Over time and due to the fracturing of holographic information into a non-holographic state, one’s genealogy may have become depleted of certain key segments of crystalline genetic encoding.  If one lost crystalline information on to another through manipulations involving a curse, hex or spell between ancestries, one may recreate the experience in present time to recover one’s crystalline knowledge.  There has been so much manipulation of knowledge between parties over the past 20,000 years of human history, that much of the ascent to 3000, 6000 and 9000 strands is about retrieving that which one’s ancestry lost due to being cursed, hexed or spelled by another.




In addition to this, each ancestor that gave birth to a child below the vibration of 15,000 strands lost a portion of his or her genetic knowledge unto the child.  This is the result of the fracturing of holographic genetic encoding which occurred as humanity fell beneath 15,000 strands.  Some children of each ancestor will continue to be associated with one’s tapestry of ancestry and therefore one still has access to such genetic encoding; some will not if in particular the child chose none of the lineages of one’s ancestor.  Choosing no lineages of the mother causes the child and all information therein  to remain in the tapestry of ancestry of the father; or conversely choosing no lineages of the father causes the child and all information therein to remain solely in the tapestry of the mother.  In such circumstances, information given to the child flows into the tapestry of the parent that the child chooses to carry the lineages of. 




Sometimes crystalline information that was lost in one’s ancestry in this manner is difficult to recover, or so Mila and Oa have found in their own ascension; along with those in their school that have left due to limitation in the ascent.  Generally when limitation in the ascent occurs, there is a difficult karmic sequence in which a large portion of crystalline information was passed on to a child who chose none of one’s ancestor’s lineages.  When this occurs, one may not be able to recover the genetic information that was given away, and if it is a key piece of knowledge to the continued ascent, one’s ascent may cease at such a juncture.




If this occurs, one can intend to manifest an encounter with an ancestor of the child that received the lost knowledge, and then in the encounter choose to release the karma and recover the missing segment of genetic encoding.  As Mila and Oa will attest, and each had many missing sequences of this nature to overcome in their own ascent, drawing the right ancestry unto oneself to allow for the karmic release may be difficult.  Fortunately in their gathering in association with SSOA, Mila and Oa have been able to create such experiences, not only for themselves, but for others encountering parallel problems in their ascent in SSOA; which has indeed fostered a continued ascent of the group through some difficult times.  This may or may not be easy to accomplish for others of different preoccupations or circumstances.




In the limitation at 3000 strands in Mila and Oa’s experience, generally speaking there is a karmic dance in which the crystalline knowledge that is required to transmute scar tissue (cells that can manufacture and/or carry enzymes to dissolve scars held in the cellular structure) was passed through a child out of the family tree and ancestral records.  Without such knowledge, one can go no further than 3000 strands in this lifetime, as one will not be able to transmute the next level of problematic cells into the crystalline format.  Ascension is ultimately biological; although one works closely with the etheric in the act of transmutation, the transmutation must come all the way down into the physical, or one will make oneself ill in the ascent instead.




If those who are held at 3000 were allowed to go on, an early death would be the end result, as the imbalance of a growing field that is unsupported by cellular transmutation to the crystalline form only creates a field that can wobble, and then in the wobble tears at the etheric body.  Where the etheric body is weakened, then a problem in the physical will develop over time, and as this occurs and if it is a vital enough system, the body may die.




Mila and Oa have a former associate that recently passed; this associate was removed from SSOA due to an inability to bring the continued ascent into the physical.  Alas they continued to build the energy field until a wobble developed that tore so badly at the lower back of the etheric body that it created the rapid physical experience of liver failure.  One cannot build a field far above the size and vibration that the body can support through biological evolution, or one will simply create an early death instead.  It is for this reason that ascending the biological form and field to the same level of mastery and holding it there if one can go no further is vital to the continued life of the form.




However please remember that death is not an end.  We are your ancestors and we have not ceased to exist; even through 50,000 years of human falls in consciousness we are still present.  The afterlife experience is also liberating as one ceases to be bound by physical limitation of thought-form.  Generally there is far greater understanding of what one failed to understand in one’s given life as one exits the physical plane.  There are also many projects all ancestors are involved with to foster human evolution; this also leads to personal growth through revelations of spiritual lessons one failed to learn in one’s given life. 




Death is not an end and should not be feared; and most who intend to ascend today will ascend as far as one can, but end the life in death nonetheless.  Death is nothing but releasing the physical form; one’s consciousness and whom one has been carries on.  Therefore perhaps death can be embraced if it is time in the greater understanding of the truth of the nonphysical reality that surrounds all form.  The nonphysical is eternal; and physicality merely a vessel through which the nonphysical can be expressed.







One may wonder what makes Mila and Oa so special that they can ascend further than most?  Long ago the Tao sent in a dream for some humans to be born who would choose specific lineages through the union of a man and woman holding ancestry to ancient times.  Mila and Oa attuned to this dream and created a union of parents whose genealogy goes back to the times of the Grand Master seeding.  They did so founded upon a dream that has lead to their ascent and their leadership in the ascension movement. 




Mila and Oa are not here to be worshipped, as they are no more god-goddess in form than anyone else.  They serve a special function however in creating a pathway of mastery that all humans may follow; and if not in one’s present embodiment, then through one’s future ancestors.  And one will experience such future ascensions nonetheless as one’s consciousness is eternal and shall carry on to support the ascent of the entire human species.




The dream that the Tao has projected onto earth and into your creation is no small feat; it is necessary to the recovery of the whole.  Those who are drawn to the dream of ascension may like Mila and Oa have ancestry back into ancient times; or one may have limitations in ascension as spoken of above.  Regardless of how long one may ascend or live, one’s intent to ascend shall mold the future of the human species in the direction of evolution; evolution out of warfare and abuse and into unity and love again.  One will experience such a new human civilization through one’s future ancestry if not in this lifetime. 




And so for the sake of oneself and one’s future ancestors, intend to ascend; intend to ascend and all may change; first and foremost in one’s own life as one transcends whatever difficult karmic circumstance that imprisons oneself and finds one’s way to greater freedom within and without; intend to ascend and one’s future ancestors shall carry forward building a new human civilization that is in balance and harmony with earth and the natural world.  Intend that you and your future ancestors master completely transmuting each and every layer of destructive thought form.  In so doing, peace, honor, love, unconditional acceptance and joy can become the new foundation of the human dance.




Until our next communication,


The Grand Master Ancestors








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