Keynote: Compassion in Action
Truth in Action: Non - Conditional Governance, Compassion, Unity
Colors: Ivory - Turquoise - Pale Pink
Animal Totem: Elephant
Aquatic Totem: Walrus and Manatee
Year of Birth: 2005, 2023, 2041

5、同情的肩負者 - 白象之年
顏色:象牙色 - 綠松色 - 淺粉色
出生年份:2005, 2023, 2041

The archetypal pattern of the Bearer of Compassion is a human that one may think of as a "Saint". This archetype in particular holds space for the dance of compassion upon a personal, group and global level. Such humans may expression their compassion quietly through the love and guidance that they may share, or they may move forward in positions of leadership, guiding humanity to learn to dance together in compassion with one another. It is this form of new governance that will be required in the years ahead to restructure the human dance to be founded upon the principles of unity, equality, and the greater good of the whole.



Such humans may take on large causes in the years ahead, taking stands for peace, equality, toxic cleanup, dismantling of nuclear armaments, and end to the brutality towards nature, vegetarianism, and so on; pushing the humans species towards a new system founded upon equality with all species upon Earth. Such humans may also gather groups to develop new building designs or farming practices that are in resonance with Earth, easing the difficulties ahead due to global ascension for the human species at large.


For Earth, 2004 shall anchor compassion as a global truth. Earth's truth is one of compassion - based love. She exists in the solar system that was originally designed to hold the vibration of Compassion in Action within the universal astrology. As this solar system fell into non - love, so did your entire universe, as the tones to sustain love therein were lost. Now in this return cycle, and as your solar system along with Earth clears the distortion through ascension, compassion in action can be restored for your entire universe.


Those children born in 2005 will be leaders in the half - century to come for the human species. They will enter the dance as many within the old paradigm have been cleansed either through death or through the ascent into unity themselves. Therefore humanity will be ripe for this new type of leader to emerge en mass and guide the human species towards a new unity based foundation. Such leadership will emerge in all areas of the human dance from 2025 on.


Keynote: Communion in Action
Truth in Action: Divine Union, Forgiveness, Non - Conditional Love
Colors: Pale Lavender - Pink - Silver
Animal Totem: Turtle
Aquatic Totem: Sea Turtle
Year of Birth: 2006, 2024, 2042

6、通訊的肩負者 - 海龜之年
顏色:淡紫色 - 粉色 - 銀色
出生年份:2006, 2024, 2042

There are two kinds of Saints as experienced within the human dance. Some were outward moving like Mother Theresa expressing compassion in action. Others are inward moving and express their love of Earth in solitude. This archetypal pattern is of the second type of saint, that which spends their time retreated inward much like the turtle pulling its head within and hiding behind its shell. This kind of saint will be focused primarily upon global healing or regional healing in support of Earth's global ascension. They will work closely with the nature kingdoms and come to intimately understand communion with all species. Many may also choose to share their information gathering small numbers of students for a time. However ultimately their path is one of more inward moving energy than outward, and once the teaching is complete, such folk will retreat again to focus upon their work with nature and Earth.



For Earth, 2006 will allow for the return of a greater level of unity between all species. The cleansing of the human species will be in full swing allowing for a purging of that which resonates not with the continued ascent of Earth. This shall allow humanity at large to come to greater depths of communion with the whole of Earth than previously possible.


Bodhisattva Children born in 2006 will be inner directed, perhaps more so than any children currently incarnate planet - wide. Through their own inner direction, such children may leave home at a relatively early age and go where nature advises them to go, learning what they need to learn through communion rather than education. If the current education system blocks such an emergence, it will manifest in their teenage years and as the kundahlini begins to run, moving out the parental and education programming enough to allow their truth to be brought to consciousness. It shall be through the communion with nature of such Saints that many new healing techniques, herbs and food sources shall come to be known to assist humanity at large in the ascent ahead.


Keynote: Wisdom in Action
Truth in Action: Non - Conditional Governance, Structure, Power
Colors: Ivory - Lavender - Peach
Animal Totem: Eagle
Aquatic Totem: Porpoise
Year of Birth: 2007, 2025, 2043

7、智慧的肩負者 - 雕之年
顏色:象牙色 - 淺紫 - 桃色
出生年份:2007, 2025, 2043

This archetypal pattern of Wisdom in Action, perhaps more than any other exemplifies the new form of leadership that shall emerge in the century ahead for the human species. This sign shall give birth to leadership founded upon wisdom, understanding and self - mastery through ascension. In the century ahead, leadership shall come to a new structure that is founded upon power through spiritual mastery rather than power based upon dominion.



Mastery is equivalent to embracing of unity within and evolving the field and form to be self - sustaining in nature; in other terms harmless, peace oriented, equality based, and unconditionally loving in nature, and yet powerful at the same time. This type of human will stand in the power of their authentic truth and lead small to large groups into a new order, a new order based upon equality for all. Such leadership will be based upon wisdom, internal wisdom due to mastery, and due to such mastery, soul shall simply speak through its guidance and direction.


For Earth, 2007 is the year she is to attain Bodhisattva in her global evolution, or 7500 strands in vibration global wide. She will have attained a certain level of power therefore as an ascended master that shall influence all other planets and stars upon all other dimensions with her wisdom gained. Bodhisattva Children born in 2007 are global leaders to emerge in the quarter century ahead to lead humanity to an entirely new structure. Some will find themselves in positions of leadership over small groups or tribes; yet others over entire nations.


Keynote: Illumination in Action
Truth in Action: Unity, Compassion, Freedom
Colors: Pale Pink - Turquoise - Yellow
Animal Totem: Hawk
Aquatic Totem: Jelly Fish
Year of Birth: 2008, 2026, 2044

8、照亮的肩負者  -  鷹隼之年
顏色:淺粉 - 綠松色 - 黃色
出生年份:2008, 2026, 2044

This archetypal pattern of the Bearer of Illumination is one of a master visionary that can envision a new tomorrow for others to see and then intend. In so doing, such humans may find themselves in advisory roles to the new leadership to emerge in the century ahead in the human dance. Such humans will also be gifted at seeing the past mistakes and summarizing them so that the same mistakes need not be repeated. Such humans will also be gifted at human ascension or map - making ascension, as their visionary skills are quite useful for such endeavors.



For Earth, her vision information and knowledge lost must be retrieved in order to fuel her ascension to Mahavishnu level mastery as a consensus beyond 2007. The global ascension in 2008 shall allow for all vision records to be retrieved, reconstructed and resurrected so that Earth may see what she needs to see to continue to ascend.


Bodhisattva children born in 2008 will be highly perceptive, perceiving not only the underlying unconscious dance, but will be born with the gift of seeing energy with the naked eye. They will be therefore potentially confronting to other humans who are not awakening, and it may be that self - schooling is advised, or retreating into a community where the child will be better understood and embraced.


Keynote: Joy in Action
Truth in Action: Breath of Life, Freedom, Divine Union
Colors: Gold - Yellow - Pale Lavender
Animal Totem: Squirrel
Aquatic Totem: Otter
Year of Birth: 2009, 2027, 2045

9、歡樂的肩負者 - 松鼠之年
顏色:金色 - 黃色 - 淡紫色
出生年份:2009, 2027, 2045

This archetypal pattern of the Bearer of Joy will birth humans that are gifted at creative endeavors of all kinds that lead to playfulness, humor, joy and liberation through self - expression. They may be gifted at music, acting, and art, and express their joy in such a manner in gathering others to listen or watch. Such humans will also be most gifted at working with children and devising a new form of education that is creative, expressive, allows for expansion of awareness, without enslaving them in the past history. A new form of education may indeed unfold due to such human endeavors in the quarter century ahead.



For Earth, attaining Bodhisattva reverses the polarities in her global astrological chart. The years of strife she has worked through in her global ascension will now be followed with times of greater "lightness of being"; greater humor, joy and playfulness than previously possible. And this will be a wonderful relief after all of the hard work and push to ascend out of the density into the joy again. Bodhisattva children born in 2009 shall be natural entertainers who shall amuse their parents as much as the community that they are dancing with. Such children shall bring joy to the other children during times of school or play.


Keynote: Unity in Action
Truth in Action: Power, Forgiveness, Unity
Colors: Peach - Pink - Pale Pink
Animal Totem: Deer
Aquatic Totem: Seal
Year of Birth: 2010, 2028, 2046

10、統一的肩負者 - 鹿之年
顏色:桃色 - 粉色 - 淺粉
出生年份:2010, 2028, 2046

The archetypal pattern of the Bearer of Unity understands unity, and those ascending into such a truth in action shall bridge humanity, the groups that they are involved with along with their own families into the new unity paradigm. The unity paradigm is founded upon equality of each member of the whole, and that each must contribute to the whole in order to sustain the whole. Such humans will be natural assistants to those in leadership positions to develop, instigate and oversee new forms of governance that are unity based.



In 2010, Earth enters greater unity due to her ascent beyond Bodhisattva. This unity is necessary to open the next level of star gates she is headed towards in the Great Central Sun. 2010 shall bring dramatic rises in vibrations due to a greater level of synthesis mastered, and a quickening of momentum towards the crystalline form at Mahavishnu level for all species upon Earth. The second phase of cleansing shall be launched in 2010 as members of all species unable to ascend will complete and exit the physical plane in the following 7 - year cycle.


Children born in 2010 shall begin to come in Mahavishnu level in vibration. The vibrational threshold of Earth shall be high enough to support such human births. Such Mahavishnu children will be born in the new astrology rather than having to ascend into it during the first five years of life. Such children shall anchor blessings as they are born that shall have global impact, supporting Earth's continued rise in vibration, and blessing humanity along with all species upon Earth alike upon entry into the world. Such children may be viewed as born "saints" and honored for the wisdom and love that they are present to share.







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