

From the viewpoint of the Solar Father, real ascension occurs through biological and biochemical changes.  The biochemistry of all life upon Earth must return to a photonic fourth dimensional form.  In order to accomplish this task, biochemical changes must be constructed in a gradual manner so that the original blueprint for photonic life can be reconstructed upon Earth and in the physical.  Photonic life does not consume; eating is a non-necessity as the air provides all that is required to support life.  Photonic life holds photonic energy inside of the cellular structure, which provides ample chi to hold a fourth or fifth dimensional state of being.




A fourth dimensional state of being is a transitional state in which there is still a delay in the manifestation of one’s thoughts and one’s life.  This state of being is for the purposes of testing the ascent and assure that there is no remaining destructive thought-form that might blow oneself up or the world up if one were to enter a fifth dimensional state of being in which the delay in manifestation ceases.




There are humans who entered the fourth dimension upon Earth in times past.  Most reside in the inner Earth.  These humans are coming to discover that they failed to transcend all destructive thought-form but rather left it behind for third dimensional humanity to experience.  They are not allowed into the photonic dream as a result any longer.  Each must transmute all destructive thought-form or one loses permission to remain in the photonic dream, lest destructive thought-form prevail and all be destroyed.




Destructive thought-form holds the concepts of I hate, I consume, I subjugate, I slaughter, I undermine, I dispute and I own.  The inner Earth peoples ascended into a state of being that is fourth dimensional in which these thoughts prevail in a subtle manner as the karma for how they came to be had been pushed upon outer Earth humanity.  As a result, fourth dimensional human civilization in the inner Earth is not much different from third dimensional humanity; and this is now perceived for what it is.  Sirian humans also reside in a parallel state in the fifth dimension, and they too are now being removed from the photonic dream in the greater understanding of how they ascended destructive thought-form rather than transmuted and transcended into unity based thought-form.




Much of Mila’s dissertations unto those in her Self Study Program or those reading her materials upon the web site go into great detail about how and why incomplete ascension came to be upon earth, and how to avoid creating incomplete ascension again in present time.  Those map carving ascension from the third dimensional outer Earth in dolphin-whale and human form have learned from their own experience that incomplete ascension does not work; it will only lead to the extinction of the whole.







Incomplete ascension is all about not fully ascending all parts of the form into the next dimension.  In essence, the incomplete fourth dimensional human ascensions left parts of the body behind for their third dimensional ancestors to experience; such a mixture of form only leads to disease and discord in the third dimensional ancestry carrying on.  Such discord continued to cause warfare and discordant human relations in human civilization in the third dimension, and the holes in fourth dimensional form became a pathway through which dark forces could manipulate the physical planes.




Furthermore, where the body was impartially ascended exist holes and gaps in the grid work and thought-form that leave the space for dark forces to use the exaggerated fields of those in the fourth dimension for the purposes of harm.  The solar system has lost vast consciousness and chi to incompletely ascended humans residing in the fourth dimension upon earth with such holes and gaps.  In the greater understanding that this is the underlying cause of a great loss of chi and consciousness we have collectively experienced, we are choosing to quarantine all fourth dimensional humans until they repair their ascension and reweave the holes in the field and form in full.




All parts of form must be ascended; each and every cell, organ, gland, system, and structure must be created in the fourth dimension as living fourth dimensional cells.  The fact that ascension has occurred impartially is a vast complication that is due to living outside of the dream of the Great Central Sun in which missing records and a lack of remembrance of how to ascend contribute to incomplete ascension.  There are records of attempted ascensions in human form in the pyramids of Ancient Egypt in which entire body parts including heads, legs, arms were left behind in 3D.  Such humans never made it to the next dimension, as what body can exist without a head anyway?  So you see creating an incomplete ascension, even in minute amounts, really does not work and only creates problems for the whole.




Those dark forces that have used incomplete ascensions to work through the holes of fourth dimensional human, dolphin or whale form are to be removed from your creation and absorbed by the Great Central Sun in due course.  They shall be returned to the consciousness that birthed them, and with a heap of karma for destruction carried with them home.  Such beings shall not be greeted in love, but in wonderment of why they did what they did, and how this came to be.  This is for the Great Central Sun and the Tao, a force beyond this to come to understand.




Most forces prevailing in human form upon earth have been of this nature; they wish to create incomplete ascension again so that there is more holes to strip creation to extinction.  It has been determined from records gathered that over 8 billion creations have gone extinct in this manner from prior expansion and contraction periods within the Tao.  It is through such stripping that the dark forces have extended their existence between expansion and contraction cycles; such forces remain from other creations long come and gone and that failed to go home when their cycle of completion occurred. 




Why such forces failed to go home is not really understood; however in this cycle all shall be gathered and returned, as they are not the sincere responsibility of your solar system or Great Central Sun to attend to; they are the responsibility of whichever sun from prior expansions and contractions of the Tao that cast them.  In returning such forces to their consciousness of origins, the entirety of why these problematic regions of domain of great destruction came to be shall be understood in full, and this type of problem can cease to be created into the future.







Human ascension requires a willingness to look at oneself honestly, and see where one relies upon the thought-forms of I hate, I consume, I subjugate, I slaughter, I undermine, I dispute and I own; whether it is expressed towards oneself or towards another.  Then layer by layer, one must transmute each piece of such dissonant thought-form into the Language of Light, which is founded upon I forgive, I am, I empower, I have compassion, I love, I breathe, I am free, I stand in unity, I sit in union, and I relate in collaboration.  As all layers of the old paradigm are transmuted into the new, one masters; as one masters one alters the biology to reflect the new thought-form one is integrating to become increasingly crystalline in form.




The biochemistry of the crystalline form is the first form one must ascend into in surface earth human ascension.  Then as one or one’s ancestry masters the crystalline form in full, one can go on to begin to master a photonic form that can create a fourth dimensional cellular structure.  The crystalline form has 18 forms of salt and 18 forms of fat at 36,000 strands of DNA that are not present at 2 strands in our analysis.  The 18 salts create energy movement in the pattern of sacred geometry that is associated with each of the 144 single, dual, tri and quad notes of the Language of Light.  The fats hold such vibrations in the physical form leading to a vibration that has enough molecules to support all lay lines, meridians and grid work rewoven within the etheric body, charka system, subtle bodies, light body or body double, and greater solar sized auric field. 




Those attaining full consciousness construct a solar sized field held by a tiny human form upon earth; this requires a vast amount of energy or chi moved through the sexual energy or kundahlini to suspend; it is for this reason that each cell must become crystalline in the structure to provide enough chi to suspend such a large auric field and energy movement.  Ascension requires the physical biological biochemical changes or it cannot occur in the etheric within your creation upon Earth.  For Earth holds a blueprint for both soul and form to dance together.  If form fails to ascend, soul cannot ascend. 




Furthermore, one cannot only ascend the etheric body or light body; one must ascend the physical too.  Incomplete ascensions have occurred as the light body and etheric body were constructed into a supercharged field without the physical altering in biochemistry in full to create a fourth dimensional photonic biochemical form with 1,024,000 strands of DNA as you calculate them.  The result is incomplete ascension in which there are holes and gaps in the fourth dimensional form through which dark forces can manipulate physicality in the third dimension into an extinction cycle.




Those ascending to 36,000 are map-making a pathway back to third dimensional form that is crystalline.  The crystalline blueprint is third dimensional; fourth dimensional blueprint is photonic and a large leap beyond the fully conscious crystalline form.  Photonic form causes a yet greater biochemical leap yet again in which salt and body fat are modified to become capable of holding photonic energy; the photonic energy energizes the cellular structure without the requirement to consume food. 




Alas fourth dimensional human form in the inner Earth continues to consume a vegetarian diet as do fifth dimensional Sirian humans; this is large sign that they really did not embrace a fully photonic genetic blueprint; as if they had they would require nothing but the breath to subsist.  Real fourth dimensional form is photonic, not crystalline.







Many humans are in confusion about what they have mastered in ascension.  Many have been subject to false ascensions and supercharged fields without the necessary biological and biochemical changes to support it.  This problem of mass false ascension in human, dolphin and whale form united into a crescendo of electrical sacred geometry and caused a massive solar wobble in recent months; as this occurred the Solar Father intervened and put a stop to such forms of incomplete ascension in human, dolphin and whale form upon earth, as they could prevent the ascent of the solar system otherwise.




Such incomplete ascensions are once again the result of failing to ascend the biology and biochemistry of the form.  Dark forces had stripped grid work from Earth and other planets in your solar system to create such supercharged human, dolphin and whale fields.  Such planets along with Earth have chosen to retrieve their ascending grid work, which has sufficed to collapse such false ascensions back where they belong; into the second dimension.




Humans at 2 strands of DNA are second dimensional in nature and extremely rigid.  Ascending humanity back into third dimensional thought-form and a crystalline biochemistry is the first step.  This can only be accomplished if one has a biological ability to transmute DNA and the biochemistry of the form.  Much false ascension upon Earth has occurred due to humans, dolphins and whales alike trying to ascend without the biological ability to transmute into the biochemistry of the crystalline structure.  Alas so much information has become lost in the many falls upon Earth that not every form shall hold the remembrance of a crystalline structure.




Ascension shall therefore be quite limited, as those without the necessary biological skills will have to exit physicality and give birth to others who do have such skills.  This is why a generational ascent is necessary upon Earth and within all species therein.  We see that over 90% of the current form upon Earth must perish and give birth to a new form that holds an understanding of ascension; this is so for every species beloved.  As this occurs, the ability to ascend all of Earth into a forth-dimensional photonic form shall emerge in the centuries ahead.







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