Karen Danrich, "Mila" 和Thomas Weber "Oa"
Directors, Spiritual School of Ascension (SSOA) , Hawaii
夏威夷‧提升之靈性學堂校長--Karen Danrich, "Mila" 和Thomas Weber "Oa"

Translated by 流星似火
Many of you have read the information about the directors of our organization, 'The Spiritual School of Ascension' and probably have wondered, 'Are they real people?' 'Who are they anyway?' We have been asked by the Earth Mother to write a little about our past so that you can understand that we are human and have lived normal lives, just like all others currently incarnate upon Earth but have dedicated our lives to our own ascension and spiritual unfolding.
It is the thought form of the West to believe that there is a division between spirituality and one's experience of life. We wish you to understand that life and spirituality are one inseparable path that ultimately leads to a greater understanding of oneself and God/Goddess/All That Is. Such understanding can only be ascertained if one allows each experience in life to teach them whatever it was designed to. In so embracing all life experiences as a form of spiritual education (or school of hard knocks depending upon your reference point), each experience has the potential to lead one further down their spiritual path.
Karen Danrich was born in Palo Alto, California at Stanford Hospital on March 22, 1960. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her childhood was often difficult and wrought with pain. Her body had been genetically modified in preparation for the work she was potentially to bring forth, making her extremely sensitive both physically and emotionally.
Karen Danrich于1960年3月22日生于加州Palo Alto鎮的斯坦福醫院。她成長于舊金山海灣地區。她的童年非常艱難而充滿痛苦。她的身體已經基因調整好,潛在性地為她生來將做的工作做好準備,這令她在身體與情緒上都極其敏感。
Her father, Edward Danrich spent his younger years as a Minister and Healer and author of many spiritual publications, including a newsletter that reached out to 5,000 nationwide. Edward wrote extensively about conservation, nutrition, and his unique perspective of spirituality, which included a life-long study of astrology. Karen's early life was filled with spiritual concepts, and she often spent long hours talking with her father about such things. His ongoing support provided a foundation of understanding that she draws upon to this day.
Karen的父親,Edward Danrich,年輕時身為一名牧師、靈療者,以及許多靈性出版物的作者,包括一份發行全國5000份的時事通訊,其中Edward廣泛寫及了(自然)保護、營養,以及他有關靈性的獨特視角,包括他研究了一生的星相。Karen的早期生活充滿了靈性概念,她經常花長長數小時和她父親談論這類事情。她父親的持續支持,為她提供了一個讓她延續至今的理解基石。
As with all of us, each experience Karen created in her early years prepared her for her work today. Her parents owned and managed a printing business which she also later managed. The understanding of small business management has allowed her to effortlessly bring forth and manage the current organization 'The Spiritual School of Ascension.' Many years of typesetting left her with a vast understanding of the English language that has been drawn upon in her writing. As a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara, her degree in Developmental Psychology allowed her to understand the psychological paradigm that humanity currently operates within. Ten years as a real estate agent (during a rough period in the California housing decline) left her with an understanding of the working principles of manifestation.
就像我們所有人一樣,Karen早期生活的每一個經歷都為她今天的工作做了準備。她的父母擁有並管理一個印刷公司,後來Karen也加入管理。對小公司管理的理解已讓她毫不費力地成立並管理今天的SSOA組織。很多年的排版工作也讓她對英語語言有著大量領會,這也是她在著述中已利用上的。作為加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(University of California at Santa Barbara)的畢業生,Danrich在發展心理學中獲得的學位允許她對人類當前所在其中運作的心理學範疇有所理解。此後10年的房地產經紀人(正當加州房地產業衰退的一個艱難時期)讓她理解了顯化的工作原理。
In 1989, Karen began to study clairvoyance with the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California. This study opened her up to her natural gifts of clairvoyance, multi-dimensional travel, telepathy, and left her with a working understanding of the auric field, chakra system, and the many energetic bodies which surround the human form. The knowledge she gained in her study with BPI gave her a foundation of information she draws upon to this day.
在1989年,Karen開始在加州伯克利心理研究所(Berkeley Psychic Institute,簡稱BPI)學習靈視力。這一學習打開了她靈視、多維度旅行、心靈感應等天賦,並讓她對金場、脈輪系統以及包圍在人類形態週圍的許多能量體有所理解。她在這裡學習所獲得的知識,給予她延續至今的信息基石。
In June of 1993, Karen gave birth to her son, John Thomas Danrich Franklin. John assisted in opening her heart and taught her about intimacy and unconditional love. He currently resides with his father in Northern California and visits Karen on occasion between her extensive writing, travel and teaching schedules.
1993年6月,Karen生下了她的兒子,John Thomas Danrich Franklin。John幫助Karen打開心靈,並教導她親密與無條件愛。他現在和他的父親生活在北加州,有時會在Karen大量寫作、旅行和教學的日程間隙來看望她。
In 1995, following a walk-in of the soul known as 'Mila Sinoski' (also known as 'Lady of the Sun'), Karen was contacted by many Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth and the cosmos upon the 'Inner Plane' and began her ascension process. Her gifts of clairvoyance and telepathy allowed her to study the energetic, emotional and physical changes that occurred within her form during the ascension process in great detail. She began to teach this information to others in November of 1996 and started to travel throughout North America offering her workshop known as the 'Ascension Intensive' in 1997.
1995年,在一個名為“Mila Sinoski”(也所知為“太陽女神”)的靈魂進來後,Karen得到“內部層面”地球與銀河靈性階層的許多大師的接觸,開始了她提升的過程。她的靈視及心靈感應天賦,允許她非常詳細地學習她身體內部在提升過程中所發生的能量、情感與生理變化。她開始在1996年11月將這些信息教導給別人,並在1997年開始在北美旅行,提供名為“提升強化”的工作室學習。
In Late 1997, Mila brought forth a series of channeled material detailing the information of the ascension process so that others could begin to understand the biological and energetic changes that humanity faces in the years to come. The early articles were first published upon SpiritWeb and received great review. In due course, our website www.calltoascend.org along with www.ascendpress.org was developed and devoted solely to the ascension information and the 'Spiritual School of Ascension.'
In September of 1998, yet another soul change occurred for Mila, and an aspect of Lady Rize (also known as Riza) walked in. Riza has a distinct British accent that has been a bit of a surprise for those who had known and studied with Mila in the past. One of her students claimed, 'You now sound more British that my English business partner!' Riza succeeded at launching the early map of ascension, although with a lot of trials, tribulations, and group turn-over. Riza retracted in July of 2001 as her role as facilitator of human ascension was complete upon Earth.
In January of 2001, a new aspect known as Natalia made herself known to Mila. Natalia emanates from the One Source from which all creations and creators inside and outside of time and space emanate. Natalia along with the One Source ensouled Mila to take the organization and Mila's personal ascension to the next phase of development, which includes soul infusion. We speak here of not simply soul infusion of a single person such as Mila, but soul infusion of a group such as The Spiritual School of Ascension. Soul has been vastly missing from the human dance of separation, and the process of soul infusion shall bring an end to separation both upon an individual basis along with groups and organizations as it is accomplished.
In May of 2002, yet another aspect known as the Tao, or the source from which all creations ascend "home" to at the end of their creational experience, made itself known to Mila as her new ensouling factor.  The Tao has entered the dance of creation upon earth to assist all that so choose to return "home" through ascension to do so.  No creation should be imprisoned by entities lost in a myriad of illusion; and the Tao extends itself in to allow those souls that wish to ascend home to be able to learn the lessons that this creation offers and exit through the act of thought-form transmutation and transcendence, or in other terms, ascension.
More recently, the Heart of the Tao has extended into Earth's aurora.  The Heart of the Tao is a force that provides love for self healing to all lost creations of the Tao.  This creation is very lost and now the love will be available unto Earth for her own self healing at this time of her global ascension.  Love has been vastly missing in this creation and in the human dance.  The Heart of the Tao now chooses to extend through SSOA to allow love to be infused into the human dream.  All humans must restore a state of love as one's personal as well as collective foundation; for it is only through love that one can really self heal and return home to the Great Central Sun Dream, and ultimately "home to the Tao" from which all creations and creators emanate from.
In addition to the Tao, Mila works closely with the Earth Mother and Nature Kingdoms giving voice to their unique perspectives upon the human dance.  Earth co-ensouls Mila and Oa at this time for the lessons that soul infusion offers in upper level human initiates at this time in history.  Earth chooses to work directly through Mila and Oa at this time to augment the ascent of the human species.
In July of 1998, Karen's twin flame, Tom Weber, appeared as a participant at an intensive, and the two of them were quickly drawn together. Within two weeks, Tom was on his way to relocate to California and take on the role of co-director of the 'Spiritual School of Ascension.'
1998年7月,Karen的雙胞胎火燄,Tom Weber作為一個與會者出現在提升強化班中,他們倆很快吸引到一起。在2週之內,Tom就開始搬遷到加州,並承擔起SSOA組織的合作校長的角色。
Tom was born in Chicago, IL on October 28, 1950. Many of Tom's early memories are filled with summertime journeys to national parks throughout the United States. Each summer, Tom, his mother and three brothers, would pack up the station wagon with camping gear and head out for the entire summer to a different region of the country. His father would join them for a few weeks over his vacation from the insurance business he had founded. Early on, Tom learned to appreciate nature and the many adventures experienced in hiking and rock climbing.
In 1972, Tom was graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Psychology and went on to the Dunwoody School of Baking where he proceeded to master the art of baking and gourmet cooking. To this day, Tom continues to enjoy the art of fine cooking and can often be found slaving away over a hot stove. He's been fondly nicknamed 'Chef Oa' by his beloved Mila. Tom also spent one year working as a Food Chemist at Pillsbury where he came to a deep understanding of the lack of heart and spiritual understanding amongst those who grow and process food for humanity.
1972年,Tom從印第安納大學(Indiana University)畢業,獲得了心理學學位,並進入到Dunwoody烘培學校,學習掌握烘培與美食烹飪的藝術。直到今天,Tom也繼續喜歡烹飪藝術,經常被發現圍在爐邊辛勤工作。他被他的愛人Mila愛暱地稱為“大廚Oa”。Tom也花了一年時間在Pillsbury當一名食品化學師,在那裡他開始深深明白到在那些為人類生產加工食物的人們間,是多麼缺乏心靈與靈性的理解。
Married for twenty years and the father of three children, Tom appreciates the difficulties often experienced in long-term relationships and family relations based in polarity. It is this understanding that causes Tom to so deeply appreciate the love, joy and ease of living and working together now experienced with his twin flame Mila. He also hopes that others can understand that two souls with a common purpose who come together can experience love and harmony on an ongoing basis.
In 1985, Tom was graduated from The College of William and Mary with a Masters in Computer Science. He has spent over a decade working for various defense-related companies creating a variety of systems for the military. These experiences have contributed to Tom's deep distress at our governing bodies and military official's lack of understanding of the spiritual purpose behind the human experience.
1985年,Tom從威廉瑪麗學院(The College of William and Mary)畢業,獲得了計算機科學的碩士學位。他花去了十多年時間,為各種與國防相關的不同公司工作,為軍事創造了多種多樣的系統。這些經歷讓Tom深深悲痛于我們的政府系統與軍事官員是如何缺乏對人類經歷背後靈性目標的理解。
Tom has spent his entire adult life pouring over metaphysical materials of every kind. His deep understanding of many metaphysical thought forms and religions assists him in building a bridge between the old beliefs and the new information coming forth in the ascension movement. In joining the Spiritual School of Ascension, he quickly discovered that he is a gifted channel, healer and teacher who rapidly anchored the Golden Octave of the Buddha within his form.
At this time, Mila and Oa have pushed beyond a state of Full Consciousness (embodied 36,000 segments of genetic material or 12 full strands of DNA) and are beginning the process known as "Soul Infusion" which shall allow the form to become increasingly transparent slowly and gradually over time.  They co-facilitate global events known as Masters Conclave along with a Self Study Program and the new Mastering the Living Dream Program, and a Mastering Unity Within Self Study Program that has been recently launched. In early 2001, Tom was advised alter his spiritual name from "Rama" to "Oasantar", which means "Anchor of Light" in the Language of light.
Mila has recorded her ascension experiences through a library of written materials.  The Ascension Transmissions section contains channeled materials that focus upon the technicalities of the process of ascension written by the many over souls ensouling Mila over time.  The Nature Articles section contains channeled materials about ascension and the spiritual path from the Earth Mother, Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms, White Buffalo Species, and the Ancient Ancestors.  The purpose of all of this material is to provide many angels of truth of the path of ascension from the perspective of earth and the  nature kingdoms.  The latest series of articles from the Nature Kingdoms and the Ancestors are pouring through the Creating Community section of the site.
Mila and Oa have entered a state of World Service, and both their events and programs fulfill upon their contracts and agreements with the Earth Mother along with the plant, animal and mineral along with dolphin and whale species, in support of global ascension. World Service is a state of being in which one serves only the greater good of the whole, or in other terms as an incarnate being, serves Earth and all species therein.  The Spiritual School of Ascension has also entered a state of World Service as a collaborative organization. Each event produced by The Spiritual School of Ascension therefore serves Earth in some manner in accomplishing her goal of global ascension.
Mila和Oa已經進入到世界服務(World Service)的狀態之中,他們的活動與項目實現了他們與地球母親,與植物、動物、礦物王國及海豚鯨魚物種的合同與協議,以支持全球提升。世界服務是一個你只服務于整體更大益處的狀態,或說,作為一個投生者,服務于地球與其中的所有物種。SSOA作為一個合作組織而也進入到一個世界服務的狀態中。因此由SSOA舉辦的每個活動,都以某種方式服務于地球來實現其全球提升的目標。
The Masters Conclave events are designed to gather a group of humans willing to release karma upon behalf of mankind so that Earth may complete her initiations. There are few in the West that are ascending at this time in history, and therefore this gathering serves to assist in releasing predominantly Western based human karma necessary to be transmuted in order for Earth to continue to ascend. Those that gather not only co-create a joyful and memorable experience, but facilitate their own evolution along with Earth's simultaneously!
The Mastering Unity Within Self Study Program is designed for those whom know in their heart that it is their spiritual purpose to map make ascension and ascend in this lifetime. Those gathering to study with Mila and Oa convene from all parts of the world to accomplish a task that allows a pathway to be carved to a fully conscious state of being in which one becomes the dreamer and the dream for the human form. Such a task is not easy, requires dedication, and the commitment level of those affiliated with their organization is very high.  Those in this program work with The Complete Ascension Workbook, a 700 page discourse on all that has come to be known in the map of ascension thus far with worksheets for focus and introspection as compiled by the Earth Mother.  The workbook is also available to those outside this program for a nominal donation.  Part II of this workbook is about to be released and those in the study program also work with this information as well.
There are now many affiliated that are offering workshops and healing services that are ascension based to the public at large. See Consultations and Upcoming Events for more information.  It is with great joy that Mila and Oa have watched those whom have studied with them step into World Service themselves moving into a Leadership capacity for others to follow.
Mila and Oa have also recorded many meditation CD's that support the ascending field and attune those listening inward to manage their own energy flow, and connect and commune with the Nature Kingdoms and Earth Mother consciousness.  Many outside of their studies have also found these meditations useful upon their personal path of ascension.  See Products for more information.
We hope what we have shared allows all who read this material to accept each and every life experience that one creates has a gift and teaching that it offers. In embracing life as a spiritual journey, one can allow their life to lead them to a greater understanding of oneself and God/Goddess/All That Is and, if one so intends it, to one's own ascension.
The path of ascension enables one to bring forth the fulfillment of one's soul purpose and vision. It is human nature to feel unfulfilled or blocked from manifesting one's desires. The path of ascension allows for the removal of all patterns that prevent one from manifesting their dreams.
The dream of a higher purpose has been an ongoing vision that had been presented to both Mila and Oa on and off throughout their entire lives. Although it was never made clear how such a purpose would be fulfilled, in hindsight, they can each see how each experience within their lives prepared them for their current role of leadership within the ascension movement. However, this role could not become a reality until enough of each of their own initiations within their respective ascensions had been embodied.
We would like to point out that the same is true for each initiate devoted to the path of ascension. Each level of initiation embodied brings forth a greater ability to manifest one's vision. In so doing, the dreams and visions of a lifetime can become one's reality.
Blessings upon your journey,祝福你的旅程


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