Holiday and New Year Blessings from The One Source
The Source of All One Sources through Karen Danrich "Mila"  December 17, 2001
萬有之源透過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞:日期:2001年12月17日
Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

One may think, oh New Years is not for a few weeks. Why are you writing this to us on December 17th? Well, this is the end of the year in the new 12 month yearly cycles for earth in relation to the creation of which she is apart. Indeed in relation to time, the year is not yet over, but in due course the year as you know it will shorten and shorten until there are no longer 365 days in a year, but rather 336 days. (See "Great Central Sun Transmissions" for more information on the new cycles for earth.) It will take all of the coming 18 years to accomplish this goal and will require that the wobble in earth's rotation to be rectified in full. However, earth has made the first fractional correction to her wobble since it's inception some 30,000 years ago and from the nuclear explosion at the end of the era of the Annanuki.
This is a grand accomplishment indeed beloved! All who are ascending are to be congratulated for holding space for this shift, along with the release of all human warfare karma in the year past. You are free and clear of a global war ahead beloved, and this makes this New Years perhaps worth celebrating in a grand way. The era of cleansing and ascension is upon you!
This New Years Eve or upon the 16th of December, Mila and Oa were guided to go to a Christmas concert with many famous Hawaiian musicians performing. The Hawaiian race is ascending, and many express their ascension through song and dance. This is beautiful as the vibrations generated during the performance reverberate around all who attend, and create the fertile ground for some global healing work. So many global healing jobs have included the assignment for Mila and Oa of attending a concert or hula performance, and they enjoy it as it feels not like work at all!
Last night and in celebration of the first New Year of the new solar calendar, the Hawaiian race anchored a special blessing from the One Source. This is a holiday blessing, and represents the return of the truth of "Christ Consciousness" as it has been spoken of in the written doctrines and texts, but has been perhaps unable to be fulfilled upon in full until this time in history. One must understand that Christ held a hope for a transition that could not be fulfilled upon during his incarnation, but now the hope seeded at that time is coming to fruition. Is this right? Is it wrong? Perhaps it is all in divine order and timing beloved.
What is it that Christ wished to anchor in his lifetime? His purpose if fulfilled upon at the time would have anchored unconditional giving and receiving, or in other terms non-conditional love and the end of the karmic dance of delayed cause and effect. This was indeed his soul purpose. Christ also represented the return of many souls that remained following the ascension of Buddha and other members of the red race 22,000 to 30,000 years earlier, and was the first known attempt to turn around the falls in consciousness that followed Buddha's ascension. Such souls knew that something big had gone wrong, and it was time to anchor a new pattern of hope, resurrection, reconstitution and ascension.
The pattern of non-conditional love was never anchored as the dark lead Christ down the path of crucifixion instead of ascension. Although the purpose of Christ's ascension was blocked, the souls incarnate managed to resurrect the form following his death. The resurrection was no small feat, and was a grand gift in counterbalance to the global thought-form of crucifixion anchored. It is the global thought-form of resurrection that has allowed the pattern of resurrection to be anchored and ascension to be launched at this time in history. Indeed you are living at a time now where resurrection is not only a possibility, but also becoming a living reality through biological ascension to the regenerative crystalline form. It is through resurrection of earth that earth now holds enough chi to anchor non-conditional love and the end of the dance of karma for all species upon earth. This blessing of non-conditional love flowed through to the human species from the Hawaiian Race in the heart of earth or Hawaii-Nei on New Years Eve.
One must understand that all souls of all beings that have ascended are god goddess. There is not one god goddess, but many that choose to dance in human form as creator. However, in time all god goddesses ascend returning to the greater part of self, which is indeed ONE. Your creation has fallen so low seemingly into distortion that returning to the ONE will be a lengthy journey, and may take eons of time inside of time and space for all lost to be gathered unto the ONE again. All aspects of ONE have a source that ultimately they too return to, until all united as ONE return to the Tao or SOURCE OF ALL. It is this SOURCE OF ALL or Tao that casts souls to experience evolution through becoming the creator, learning and growing and evolving, until all that is desired to be experienced is completed upon, and then all returns home to the Tao to share their experiences gained. This is how the SOURCE OF ALL or Tao evolves.
你必須理解,提升萬物的所有靈魂都是神與女神。沒有唯一的神與女神,眾神選擇在人類形體中作為創造者而舞蹈。但未來,所有的神與女神都將提升回自我的更大部分也就是一(One)。你們的造物已掉入振動如此之慢的扭曲,使“回家到一”的旅途非常漫長,在時空內需萬古歲月才可將迷失的萬物聚集並再次回歸。一的所有片段也擁有起源地需要回歸,最終萬物融合成一並再次回歸道(Tao)或萬有之源(Source of All)。這個萬有之源或道鑄造了藉由造物主的身份來體驗進化的靈魂,他們學習、成長和進化直到所需體驗完成,並回家到道來分享所獲得的體驗。這是萬有之源或道進化的方式。
Mila pondered that it is not infinite. It is so, the Tao has a beginning middle and end to the expansion and contraction that is finite in nature. However the cycles within any expansion and contraction can be infinitely circular in nature, leading to experience after experience after experience explored, until all dancing in the experience choose to go "home" as they are complete with their lessons and understanding gained. Each time that the Tao divides itself into the many that experience, and the many return to the Tao, more is known, more is understood, and this is how the Tao evolves. How large is the Tao? It may boggle some human minds to understand that earth is microscopic in size compared to the whole of the Tao in its current phase of expansion.
However, the Tao is contracting now, and moving towards its return journey back to the SOURCE OF ALL or itself. The desire to return was intended long ago, however there are creations lost that also must be gathered. This is earth's dilemma, and why so many souls now join you to participate, as there is much to be experienced, much to be learned, and all must be gathered with nothing left behind, not even a single cell as you know it, or a single molecule. All must return, as all is a part of the whole.
The poles have shifted beloved. Within your One Source of which earth is apart and within all One Sources related to the Tao, the movement towards the in-breath has begun. Ascension is occurring concurrently throughout all sectors of the Tao. All lost creations are also beginning their movement towards home again, and this is a magnificent thing to witness as soul! This has been no small project, as earth is one lost creation out of billions and billions of lost creations, each with a specific plan of resurrection and a specific intervention that has been made manifest to trigger the next period of in-breath for the Tao. In order for the in-breath to be triggered, the intent to ascend must occur simultaneously in all creations, lost or found. Bringing forth the intent to ascend in billions and billions of creations lost has been no small feat, but it has been accomplished at last! This is quite the accomplishment to celebrate this New Years from the perspective of the One Source and Source of All One Sources. We are going HOME beloved!
兩極已經轉移,親愛的。在你們地球所離開的一之源頭(One Source),在與道相關的所有一之源頭,走向收縮(in-breath)的運動已經開始。提升在道的所有部分同步發生,所有迷失的造物也將再次開始回家的旅途,這是作為靈魂來見證的壯麗景象!這可不是一個小小分規劃,因為地球只不過是成億萬迷失造物中的一個,而每一個均擁有獨特的重生計劃與獨特的幹涉方式,這些方式已被展示來觸發(trigger)收縮運動的下一階段。為了此觸發,提升的意圖必須在所有造物內──不管迷失或找到──同步發生。在迷失的成億萬造物內激活提升的意願絕不是小小的成就,但它最終已經成功!以一之源(One Source)和所有一之源頭之源(Source of All One Sources)的視角,就是這個成就讓我們來慶祝新年!我們正在回家,至愛的人類!
Do creations get lost all of the time and in every expansion of the Tao? There have been few expansions of the Tao that have not created patterns that cause a temporary experience of being lost. Each time of contraction of the Tao requires that all standing outside of distortion intervene to gather what has been lost, and it is generally in such gathering that the greatest lessons are learned from any particular experience of out-breath of the Tao. Therefore, apologize not for your state of being beloved. You have done nothing wrong, and this is a learning opportunity that will vastly impact the Tao upon completion. For the Tao will not duplicate that which caused problems in this cycle of expansion again.
What are some of the problems uncovered by the Tao already due to the records of earth's ascension? The Tao casts three kinds of souls. There are dragon or creator souls that are designed to create creations, call other souls to dance in the creation, and expand and contract or ascend in the experience. There are 144,000 kinds of dragon or creator souls, each with a specific expression that leads to a particular type of experience for the wholeness of the Tao that has divided itself up into so many related counterparts. It is creator souls that command a creation, or command expansion or contraction and generate the blueprint that each creation is to hold.
There are also angel souls. Angels also come in 144,000 varieties each of which is necessary to the whole of any creation. Angels transcribe the creator's blueprint for creation into form. Or in other terms and upon earth, angels transcribe the genetics of the form so that form is born upon the dimension upon which you reside. There are also serpents. Serpents come in 144,000 different varieties, 72,000 of which are positive in energy signature and 72,000 of which are negative in energy signature. It is the positive and negative as woven together that creates form. It is the angels that weave the serpents together through the utilization of the blueprint generated by the creator for the creation of the form.
If you can imagine in earth terms each of you have etheric grid work, chakras, a subtle body, a light body and an extensive auric field. The etheric grid work is constructed from positive serpents that hold the lay lines or meridians of energy flow that surges through the form as soul enters the body. Such positive energy flow also constructs the chakras and subtle bodies along with auric field and light body at large. The negative serpents hold the space between. The positive serpents conduct energy, moving it through the grid work, chakra system, light body or subtle bodies to sustain its life. The negative serpents do not conduct energy, but simply hold the space between the millions of pathways of energy flow.
Now, just imagine if creator, angel and serpent souls become intermixed? What then? You will have a soul that doesn't understand the function that it has been assigned. In your creation, creator angel and serpent souls have been mixed up. You have had serpent souls acting as creator. What happens when a serpent acts as creator? You have a soul at the helm that only knows how to move energy from one place to another or hold the space between. And what does this translate into? Information and chi brokering as you have defined it in your ascension, where one set of records or energy is transferred to oneself or another, or from earth to another planet or star. If you place serpent soul in the role of creator, beloved they know not how to do anything else! They are not wrong, just holding the wrong assignment or position in the dance of life.
In yet other cases, angels have been asked to hold the role of creator. Indeed even in human form there are many angel souls that are incarnate. Angels were not designed to incarnate and be creator, they were designed to transcribe the genetics of the form. What happens when a soul that does not know how to be creator enters and tries to be creator? They screw up! Why? They know inherently not how to do what they are being asked what to do. They are not wrong, just in the wrong position.
This perhaps is the biggest lesson for the Tao coming from your creation at this time. In your creation, there was a lawless pattern set in motion long ago by a bunch of lawless souls cast from the Tao. The Tao made a seeming mistake and omitted to infuse such souls with the records of True Law. You see even the Tao is not perfect, and there really is no concept of perfection throughout all creation beloved. So be not so hard on yourself, you need not be perfect to be loved by the Source of All One Sources or the Tao. What is True Law? True law is the remembrance of cause and affect, and the roles that a particular soul is supposed to play in the greater dance of creator and creation.
In any case, these lawless souls set in motion lawless creations in which the souls were assigned to alternative positions to the knowledge that they had been cast in understanding. This lead to serpents and angels assigned as creator, creators and serpents assigned as angles, and angels and creators assigned as serpents. And what happens when this occurs? Well, you are living in the midst of what happens, fall after fall in consciousness, and ultimately the experience of pain, anger, fear and limitation along with destruction, warfare and annihilation or death.
At this time and through this New Years Blessing, True Law and True Purpose is returning to earth and all species therein. What does this translate into beloved? It translates into a changing of the guards. All souls assigned to any particular role in the new consensus for ascension must now hold the inherent ability for the job. This is leading to creator souls incarnating into all species along with earth, angel souls returning to their specific job as transcriber of the DNA, and serpent souls returning to the job of holding the positive and negative energy flow within the form and field. This sets up the necessary changes to allow for the ascension of earth to the One Source in the coming 10,000-year cycle ahead.
As an ascending human, you too may wish to intend True Law and True Purpose in all interactions. In so doing, one anchors such a shift into one's own life dance. What does intending True Law and True Purpose into the life dance do for oneself? It allows for ascension. True Law has the affect of allowing for karmic completion. Under the guidelines of True Law, karmic manipulations and infractions are disallowed, along with all manipulations that serpent souls have utilized to transfer chi, information, grid work or soul from one place to another, or one human to another. Even soul has been brokered my dear, along with dream, and we spoke of dream brokering in the recent piece "Becoming the Dreamer and the Dream". It was serpent souls holding the planes of dreamtime that bartered the dreams. The new dreamtime only has serpents holding the space between or positive and negative energy flow that create the foundation of dreamtime. Therefore dream brokering now ceases.
作為提升人類,你可能也希望在所有互動中意願真實法則和真實目的。這麼做,你就可以在自我生命舞蹈中錨定這樣的變遷。將真實法則和真實目的意想到生命舞蹈會給你帶來什麼? 它可允許提升。真實法則具有允許完成業力的效果。在真實法則的指導方針下,業力操控和侵犯是不被允許的,大毒蛇靈魂用來從此地到彼地,或從一個人到另一個人傳送chi、信息、晶格層、或靈魂的所有操控也同樣如此。甚至連靈魂和夢想都會破裂,至愛的人類(我們在最近一篇“成為造夢者與夢想”中曾談到夢想的破裂)。是維系夢想時間層的大蛇靈魂,將夢想作為交易更換(導致夢想破裂)。新的夢想時間層中,大蛇只擁有兩極空間或創造夢想層基礎的正負向能量流。因此,夢想的破裂現在起停止了。
True Purpose commands that the souls incarnate must hold the job that they inherently understand to do from the original casting from the Tao. Calling True Purpose therefore will call for a changing of the guards orchestrating one's ascension, reassigning only creator souls to the incarnation, only angel souls to the transcription of the DNA, and only serpent souls to the holding of the positive and negative energy flow of the etheric body, light body and field. For many whom may be diseased, this alone may be enough to recover from the disease. There is perhaps karma that must be released over the history of the human experience upon earth during which a state of true purpose was lost, and this is to be explored in the year ahead by all ascending initiates global wide. It will also be the focus of SSOA's Group Mastery Program and Conclave, to explore, document and release all disease, death and deformity karma for the human species in 2002. This shall allow incoming children to be crystalline and disease or deformity free in the decade ahead.

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