

One may think, well don't Mila and Oa have a certain level of fame? Let us simply say that their work is so controversial in relation to the current metaphysical movement that the map carvers of ascension are the only ones who resonate and are drawn to study the materials. The map carvers are a small group of humans numbering less than 8000 global wide. Some of such folk speak languages that leave Mila and Oa's work in an arena that they personally will never touch upon in physicality. However all map carvers' work together in dreamtime to fulfill upon their collective mission. In time more initiates will be attracted, and this shall occur in particular as the map followers begin to journey upon the initiations leading to Bodhisattva level evolution. By the time this occurs en mass, Mila and Oa may be retired from teaching ascension and focused upon other endeavors in their written materials, such as building a self-sustaining lifestyle and community that supports ascension.




Why must this be so? The path of fame and the path of spiritual mastery are so diverse that they cannot touch upon one another. If they touch upon one another, one's mastery is sacrificed. Mila and Oa choose to ascend in this lifetime and not through future ancestors, and therefore they will only choose a path that allows for this dream to come to fruition, which causes only the path of non-fame to unfold.




We perceive that the numbers studying with Mila and Oa will never be great, however those that can work with them will be blessed with an understanding from their own sharing that will fuel the ascent forward further than perhaps those who are unable to study with them. Earth already sees this is so with those map carvers who choose to study Mila and Oa's journey and those who do not; there is greater clarity of field in those who study with them. Why? The materials themselves allow for bringing more of the unconscious to consciousness where it can then be cleared through conscious intent. The more of the unconscious that is cleared, the more of the Language of Light can be embraced in an ascending field leading to a greater clarity of the energy surrounding an initiate. The greater the clarity of field, the easier it is also to manifest one's dream.




Many may wonder, what is the special role that Mila and Oa hold then, if it will never be widely known in the physical for what they do? The special role is the anchoring of the Tao into the human dance at a time when this could not occur otherwise. Mila and Oa were specially prepared for this job many generations prior to their birth. They have fulfilled upon their ability to execute this job in their relentless choice to ascend. It has not been an easy journey beloved, and so we ask that you not glamorize the two of them or put them on a pedestal. Most would not like the lifestyle that Mila and Oa live, for most of what humans enjoy in their family relations or relationship with friends have had to be sacrificed by Mila and Oa in order for their ascent to come forth. This is so due to karmic completion; as karma is completed the dance ends, and many a dance with those that they have loved has ended beloved. They sacrifice their friendships and family relations for the purpose that they are here to fulfill upon.




Also we ask that you not give them your power or worship Mila and Oa, for all humans are no more or less than they. Mila and Oa can represent however a role model for one who is willing to sacrifice their personal will and choices for the greater good of the whole in all that they do. In due course, all humans will align their will in full to the greater good of the whole of Earth; this will come forth through the coming 18 future generations yet unborn. Mila and Oa are living representatives of two who have attained such a state now for the purposes of carving the path so that the modifications necessary within the human genealogy can follow to bring such a future humanoid form into physicality. They can be honored as such, and for those that wish to understand their journey, they invite each to study with them if one is guided so from within.







This blessing that is anchored this Spring Equinox and Easter is to straighten out the planes of dreamtime more fully, undoing the manipulations of the dark that skew the dance in a manner that serves not the ascending initiate. As each who is ascending embraces this blessing, one's dreams shall begin to unfold in greater ease. How and why is this so? Truth shall reign again upon the dreamtime planes surrounding Earth.




For a long time, non-truth has reigned. One can equate non-truth with the spiraling energy flow that one equates with the DNA at this time in human form and all form upon Earth. Spiraling energy causes non-truth to reign. How is this so? In the folds created through spiraling energy, there is a gap. The gap occurs primarily in the center of the spiral. It is in the center of the spiral that the dark hide. As one straightens out the energy into a continuous rainbow without beginning or end or that is circular, the dark are pushed from the center and either one integrates the darkness that is related to oneself into the rainbow, or that which is not of one's field is pushed outside of the field altogether. This is how the act of synthesis ends the dance with the dark that are from outside of self and manipulate one's life dance from the outside in.




Earth is embracing an energy flow now to sustain continuous synthesis of the dreamtime planes, pushing from dreamtime those forces of the dark and their machinery that interfere. So each human that is ascending and embraces these blessings will learn to sustain one's own dreamtime associations in synthesis. As this is accomplished and to the degree one can sustain synthesis not only over one's ascending field, but also over one's dreamtime relations, to such a degree one's dreams shall manifest with ease. This will occur as one's dreams cease to be shunted into the projection of another.







We wish to distinguish here the difference between darkness that are lost parts of self or soul, and darkness that are manipulative forces that originated in another creation. Darkness that is of self must be confronted and understood in the act of ascension. Sometimes such darkness presents itself as monsters that one shatters with one's sword of light during meditation or dreamtime; such monsters are simply parts of self that have become lost, and in the terror of their "lost-ness", terrorize. In the shattering of the terror, the part of self lost can reunite and one becomes more whole from within in so doing.




Darkness that is not from within one's own ancestry or are not fractured parts of one's own soul lost are generally not from this creation. Such souls often originate from the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion, or Alpha Centauri, home of the Grays and Reptilians. Such souls along with the entities that generally accompany them cannot be integrated as they are not from this creation. The act of synthesis has the affect of pushing that which is not a part of self outside of the field. Most initiates receive a fair amount of distorted guidance. All of such guidance generally comes through beings that did not originate in this creation. Such beings also speak in thought-form that is related to the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion or Alpha Centauri. Such language is not the Language of Light. As one erases other creational thought-form and replaces such thought-form with the Language of Light, one will more clearly hear the earth mother along with one's own soul and source from within this creation.




There are layer upon layer of lost soul surrounding all initiates that are descending to be integrated each week, month and year of one's continued ascent. Lost ancestors along with other ancestors, souls and information that belong not unto oneself often accompany such soul fragments. The act of synthesis has the affect of allowing that which belongs to self to be integrated, and that which is not to be pushed from the field where it can be removed and returned to the creation of origin. One may wish to intend to return to the Source of earth all souls not related unto one's own field and ancestry during the act of synthesis to assist in the cleansing of such beings from earth.







The ascent to 3000 at this time allows one to clear all karma in one's personal ancestry and work the way off of the death rebirth and reincarnation cycles that have plagued mankind for 38,000 years. What does it entail to move off of the rebirth cycles? One must clear all karma in one's tapestry of ancestry back to the time that death and rebirth became the norm for the human dance. This occurred as ascension ceased roughly 38,000 years ago (152,000 human years). One must clear 38,000 years of karma in hundreds of thousands of ancestors between present time and the time that the rebirth cycles occurred in one's personal history in order to transcend the rebirth cycles. For most initiates, this is a long-term preoccupation, and one will be clearing karma and patterning through the coming decade to fulfill upon such a project. One will also live to witness the coming times of cleansing and the birth of the golden era ahead in so remaining focused upon this task.




Is ascension easy? No beloved, it is not. One confronts their desire to die again and again, as one's ancestry have not ascended but been caught in a death and rebirth cycle for so long. All ancestors for the past 38,000 years have died, except for a small number who created incomplete ascensions. The incomplete ascensions often killed the following, and also caused mankind to fall into greater distortion rather than clearing the distortion of the whole. Therefore more of one's ancestors have died than experienced anything else, and it is why the charge upon the thought-form of death is so great in the current human dance.




For Mila and Oa, they understand that the manifestation of disease in their ascent was an opportunity to die created out of the desire to die locked into the pattern of reincarnation. As they confronted the disease and chose to resurrect what had become decayed, they also transcended reincarnation in full. Each will manifest such an opportunity to move beyond the reincarnation cycles if one so chooses to continue to ascend in this lifetime. One will also confront one's desire to die or fear of death, which is a part of one's thought-form from one's ancestral inheritance. Facing death and transcending death is what ascension is all about, and not an easy experience or journey.




We do not wish to create veils of illusion of all happiness as the experience of the process of ascension. There are moments of deep joy; and then there are moments where one confronts their deepest fears and transcends. In the transcendence, an ever-deeper level of joy unfolds thereafter. Mila and Oa can speak honestly about this as this has been their journey; movement into areas of deep fear, and then transcendence into the peace again through dismantling of the patterning at cause of the fear.




Does what one fears go away? If what one fears is mirrored in another, then yes in the completion of the karma the other goes away, or one separates. If what one fears or is killing the form is mirrored in one's preoccupation, in the transcendence one will alter the preoccupation. This is how change through ascension is born. For Mila and Oa, it has been a relentless series of change after change after change since they launched their Group Mastery Program in fall of 1998. So much change in fact that it seems as though many lifetimes have passed in a few short years.




So this is for ascending initiates and particularly those in Mila and Oa's Group Mastery Program; one may look back on who one was a mere year ago and recognize that there is little relationship with that person and who one is today. Ascension brings about internal change, and as one stands upon a new precipice of understanding and vision of self and others, then physical change into preoccupations of joy, relationships of joy, and friendships of joy can follow. One first alters the inner, and then the outer changes to mirror the newfound "you" within.






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