

Most initiates spend more time in the past or future than in present time. Why? Present time is often painful, as one has to deal with their current issue at hand in one's transcendence. It is much easier to escape into a future fantasy or a past memory than deal in present time. Therefore initiates are pulled into the future or past to escape the pain. Sometimes such escape includes the use of alcohol or drugs, television or shopping, or even sex or music.




This is not to say that such preoccupations are wrong; one must simply have the intent to ascend behind their use. If one intends to ascend and then goes to see a movie or chooses a television show, one will find that the plot of the film resembles the life history of one's ancestry that one is clearing karma for in present time. In so intending ascension into the act of watching film, one then clears the karma that is triggered related to one's ancestry in the film and continues to ascend. If one intends ascension into the love making with one's beloved, one expands in field and joy. If one intends ascension into the music, one chooses music that causes one to expand rather than contract and one's ascension is fueled forth.




Alcohol and smoking tobacco or nic nic (a blend of herbs used by Native Americans), if ingested with the intent to ascend and blessed removing the entities that reside therein, will have a tonic affect to the form connecting one to the elements leading to one's expansion. However this may not occur in the addictive use of such substances, as the addictive entities block the blessings and connection. Drugs are problematic overall as they involve multidimensional addiction entities and therefore are not recommended, even in the blessing of it. For one is hard pressed to control entities upon this plane of reality let alone upon dimensions one has no awareness of.


喝酒和吸煙或吸nic nic(美國土著使用的一種草藥混合劑),如果與提升意願和祝福一起吸收,並移去那裡的存有們,將對形態有激勵的影響,使你連接到引起你擴展的元素們。但是這不會在對這些物質的上癮使用中發生,因為癮性存有們阻礙祝福和連接。毒品全部有問題,因為它們涉及多維癮性存有們,因此不被推薦,甚至在對它的祝福中。因為不管在維度上你有沒有意識到,在這個實相層面上你都在艱難地被迫去控制存有們。


The bottom line in all life expressions is the intent behind the action. Is the intent sacred and in honor of self and all others? Is the intent behind it to fuel one's ascension forth? Then the outcome will support one's ascent along with one's health and well-being. Is the intent from the unconscious addiction and desire to escape the pain? Unfortunately, the entities associated with any addiction, whether it be to a substance, to a person, to entertainment, or to an animal, shatters the field and form whether one feels it or not. Why? It is the electrical or radioactive tones that numb one to the pain; such tones also shatter the field enough to prevent ascension if the addiction is used recurrently.




Go into the pain beloved by pulling oneself into present time. It will not last forever. One may cathart and cry for a time, but it will pass and one will feel better and have integrated the piece of self lost over time and in the fracturing of existing in a creation designated for destruction. If one cannot feel the pain and only the boredom, go into the boredom. What underlies it? What thought-form causes boredom? Intend to release the karma and transmute the thought-form. Then intend to live one's life as an ascending being.







What is life as an ascending being? It is one that infuses the intent to ascend into all that one does. Does this mean that one has a reclusive life as a monk withdrawn from all of humanity? Well, one's life could be this way but need not be. All that is required is the intent to ascend behind each action, and each action will be molded through one's intentions to bring forth ascension. This will create a different lifestyle, an ascending lifestyle.




At this time, an ascending lifestyle is not the norm. Over time and after the coming decade of cleansing, those who are left will be ascending more or less. This will lead to an ascending lifestyle to prevail for all humans. In the meantime, you are the precursor to a grand change, and a change that will allow ascension to become the primary focus of all human endeavors. Such a shift will not occur over night, but it is coming. One therefore can lead the ascending lifestyle now, and become the example for others to follow.




Leadership comes in many manners. Sometimes it comes through those who are ascending and in their day-to-day interactions, and leads another to another possibility for their life outcome. Sometimes leadership occurs through those that are willing to step out and teach, write or work as a healer of ascension. Sometimes it occurs simply by allowing the energetic blessings of one's soul and source to flow through to all those who can receive it that surround oneself.




More leadership occurs silently at this time than verbally through the new consensus at this time. Therefore each as a map carver is already a leader of ascension, whether one has acknowledged it or not. Each the Tao extends through to awaken others, and more often than not, nothing is ever spoken to elicit such an exchange between mapmakers and map followers.







It is up to the map carvers to demonstrate what living an ascending lifestyle means. Such thought-form will become global causing new trends to emerge for all of humanity. There will be a resurgence of interest in spiritual endeavors as such a thought-form becomes global. There will be a resurgence of popularity of preoccupations that support ascension. There will also be a resurgence of popularity of a larger sized human than those depicted in your media at this time. This has occurred already in a sense. It not quite mainstream yet, but it is coming beloved, and more rapidly than one may realize.




Why? The map carvers are causing it to be so. The map carvers are learning to love their "larger crystalline form", and are learning to find clothing that suits a "pregnant" look of an engorged "Buddha Belly". The map carvers are redirecting their lives to pursuits and careers that support ascension. The map carvers are also ending relationships with those that prevent one's ascent. The map carvers are now ascending out of disease, and have already ascended out of the need for bloodshed and warfare. Soon all such thought-form will become mainstream, as this is the nature of ascension, it directs global thought-form.




Now, map carvers will demonstrate becoming the dreamer and the dream. Each will manifest preoccupations and relationships or friendships that bring one joy, and demonstrate this for others to bear witness to. Mila and Oa demonstrate the fulfillment of their dream. So will each map carver demonstrate the fulfillment of one's own dream in physicality. As fulfillment becomes a global thought-form, all humans will redirect their attention to becoming the dreamer and the dream, and the preoccupation of fulfillment of oneself. As one is fulfilled from within, the need to war upon self or another is unnecessary. Warfare and disease are only the result of a deep lack of fulfillment. In so doing, humans will take charge of their reality shaping reality for human civilization in a manner that supports the ascent of the whole.




This is the dream that you are weaving for your human brothers and sisters as a map carver beloved; and Mila and Oa cannot hold this dream alone. It requires each one of you standing in the new consensus to anchor the new dream for the human species. This year we must focus upon disease, aging and death. Soon the human dream will be edited of this thought-form, as those in the new consensus will have transcended such thought-form within. This shall lead to a new tomorrow and a crystalline form for all humans that can ascend to the next dimension with Earth.




This blessing shared today will make it easier for each reading this piece to align in one's truth in action and remain in present time with Earth. In remaining in present time, one will move with the divine timing of Earth's ascent, and one's life will unfold as it can in a more magical and synchronistic manner. The synchronicity is the result of being in the right place at the right time, and this occurs as one sits in the divine timing of one's divine blueprint for ascension.







Where does one's divine blueprint for one's ascension come from? It comes from one's human hologram that sits in the heart chakra. There is a blueprint for each individual ascension in human form, and each blueprint has a particular unfolding. One simply has to align with the blueprint and live the ascension. However one must flow with the changes required in ascension. Particularly as completion with karma with others in one's life dance is fulfilled upon, one must allow the relationship to cease. One must allow the relationship to end or complete in the physical, or the divine timing for one's blueprint for ascension is thrown out of sync. One must walk their talk, more or less, allowing ascension to take hold upon all dimensions surrounding oneself, including the physical.




This is the hardest area of human ascension for humans to fulfill upon as perceived by the Tao. It is so much easier to continue to dance with those that one has known than complete and end the dance. However it is also a major stumbling block to being in the momentum of the divine timing of Earth's ascension. Furthermore, if one moves too far out of sync with Earth's timing, one will be left behind and fail to witness the coming era of change. For one can move so far from their blueprint for ascension that one ends up living the genetic predisposition for death instead.




How does one therefore keep oneself on track? One must intend ascension each day, and strive to bring forth the next phase of change into the physical. There are six levels of change required to ascend. One will notice that Mila and Oa have anchored all six areas of change into their life dance in their ascent to full consciousness. For those ascending to 3000, one will anchor 3 of the following changes in ascending into the blueprint and bringing the physical ascent 30% into the form. One will go on to experience all of the changes in ascending100% into the blueprint of 3000 strands. For most, this will occur over the coming 18 years, and therefore will not be all at once, but one layer at a time of change.







1.Leaving the friends that do not serve behind.



The attachment to one's closest friends is plentiful. However, in each interaction, if one feels compromised, one may find that it is more painful to associate than not. Generally speaking this is why friends are left behind. As one leaves behind old friends, the door opens for new friendships that are more in alignment with one's choice to ascend. There is a vacuum when one releases something or someone that allows the necessary energy to draw unto oneself something else to replace it. Many are finding such friendships within SSOA.




2、Leaving the spiritual teacher or guru behind.



Attachment to gurus and former teachers is indeed plentiful. Many clear such attachment in committing to study the SSOA materials. Sometimes initiates release their attachment to Mila and Oa or SSOA in leaving SSOA. One also begins to understand that the real teacher for one's path comes from within, and ceases to look outward of self to find one's truth.




3.Leaving the job that does not serve behind.



There is great attachment to one's preoccupation, perhaps far more than one recognizes. If one is working in a particular industry, there is not only attachment to your boss and peers, but also to all others in the industry of choice. When Mila left real estate, she let go of attachment to all other realtors global wide. When Oa left the defense industry and his job as an engineering department manager, attachment released to all related defense industries global wide. One can see how in the release of such attachment, one will rise greatly in vibration in one's ascension and with ease.




4.Leaving the region of one's birth.



If one has lived in a particular region all of one's life, there will be great attachment to one's homeland. Sometimes such attachment will draw one home for a time again if one has left and there is remaining karma. In settling the karma, one will then be free to live where they wish rather than where karma dictates. As one leaves one's homeland in full with all karma completed upon, one again releases many cords of attachment that fuels one's ascension forward. There are many ways to release karma, and sometimes initiates may find a trip or two or three back to their homeland sufficient to complete karma and release all ties. Sometimes it requires living again upon the homeland soil to fulfill upon. Each initiate is unique, and each will find their own way out of releasing all ties to one's region of birth.




5.Leaving behind property ownership.



Many have homes or investment properties that they own. Such ownership creates ties not only to the property itself, but also to the banks and lenders and their related global institutions. So this is for one's possessions. As one frees oneself up from property ownership and sells the home or property, all attachment springs free allowing one again to ascend upwards in vibration.




There are some that may purchase again, but hold new unconscious agreements with Earth not to stamp the land with their ownership signatures. Indeed, we have some experimenting with this at this time, and those that accomplish this feat will map make the paradigm for a new unity based form of "property guardianship". One may be hard pressed to do this in the property that they currently own, as one will have to redefine all relationships, including those to any lenders involved. One may not be able to have a relationship with a lender to accomplish the goal of property guardianship either. This may require selling it all and purchasing something new outright and without a loan to enter into a new state of property guardianship with the land.




6.Leaving the family or spouse behind.



All initiates have thousands of cords to their family and spouse. Some family members may choose to ascend, but those that do not will be left behind as one completes in full in the dance. Some initiates have agreements to see their spouse or family members through to the death. These agreements shall be honored if they are present, however those family members that one has no agreement to dance with or see through to the end will require leaving behind in due course. This may be the last attachment many release as they so choose embody their ascension blueprint 100%.







Generally speaking, 3 out of the 6 areas of change occur in the ascent to 3000 strands and in anchoring the blueprint 30% into the physical. Therefore each who is ascending must be prepared for change. If there is no change in one's life, then it is a sign that one is either failing to bring the ascent into the physical, or one is moving out of sync with their blueprint for ascension. If this is so, one may intend not only to bring the ascension more fully into the physical, but also re-synchronize with their divine blueprint for ascension in pulling themselves into present time with Earth during daily meditation time.




If one's ascent is not coming into the physical, there are other signs such as the lack of growth of the overall size of the form, and the lack of the development of the crystalline diaphragm or "Buddha Belly". Often the lack of development is related to ducts that are closed behind the neck and head. These ducts distribute the chemicals for ascension into the blood stream so that the form may expand into the etheric blueprint for ascension. If one discovers that the ducts are not opened, place one's hands around the neck and request of Earth the opening of such ducts prior to falling asleep at night. This shall suffice to alter the etheric blueprint enough to allow for the ducts to be opened in the physical. Then over the following few weeks, this etheric change should transfer down to the physical allowing more of the ascension chemicals to flow freely down into the form triggering the growth into the crystalline structure.




One can assess their progress in their ascent not only by measuring how much of the blueprint for 3000 strands has been anchored, but also how much of the blueprint has stepped down into form. One can create a scale of 1 to a 100, and measure daily the level or percentage of one's ascent that one has embodied. This measurement can be viewed clairvoyantly, but one may wish to muscle test for verification, or pendulum. (See the "Tips for Muscle Testing pdf" for more information.)




Ascending into one's truth requires the biological change. It is not enough to change the energy field beloved. For the biology holds the energy field through generation of the chi necessary to sustain the rotation of the subtle bodies and chakras. A crystalline cellular structure can generate 100 fold more chi than a non-crystalline form, and this is required to anchor a global sized field. Therefore the ascent must come down increasingly into the physical, and the more that this so occurs, the more that one's thought-form and manner of relating to the world and those around oneself alters.




It is in the alteration of relationships that one is increasingly drawn to those who support one's ascent and feel "good" to be around than those who harm the field. Over time and through increasing vibration in the physical, one will feel when others hold unconscious harmful patterning. It will feel sometimes as though one has been stabbed with a knife through such humans. As this occurs enough, one may choose to end such relationships, and create new relationships that are harmonious. An ascending field rotates, and embraces the field without cutting apart the etheric. This is why over time those who are ascending will be drawn to create community together, as it may simply be too dissonant and physically painful to live with those who are non-ascending in nature.




It is as others that are harmonious gather together that a new group dream can be anchored. Such communities will begin to reweave the collective dream for human civilization. Such communities in their own non-harmfulness and harmoniousness will anchor global thought-form for new human relationships founded upon the principals of unity. This shall allow the dream for harmonious community to become global thought-form, and later transfer to the entire human species and civilization.




For most map carvers, this is your purpose beloved, to anchor a new blueprint for humanity to ascend into in relation to group relations. This is a beautiful purpose, and one that Mila and Oa along with the Tao wish you to fulfill upon. It can only be fulfilled upon as you allow your divine blueprint for ascension to unfold, along with all of the changes required along the way.




Becoming the dreamer and the dream, becoming one's truth in action, becoming an ascending initiate who demonstrates an ascending lifestyle; these are the goals that one may wish to include in their daily intents along with the visions that one feels passionately about manifesting into one's life expression. In so doing, one's dream shall be molded by one's choice to ascend. This shall bring one's life dance into alignment with the purposes of soul.




Souls purpose is to transcend death and the rebirth or reincarnation cycles. All human lives dedicated to this purpose at this time in history shall therefore fulfill upon one's soul mission. So often Mila and Oa have heard "What is my soul purpose?" Beloved, it is to ascend and demonstrate an ascending life style by bringing ascension into everything that one does every day of one's life. In so doing, one's life becomes one's soul purpose; which is to ascend along with Earth to the next dimension.




In closure, we share this Lemurian saying from Mila's ancient ancestors:



Om natu noni nami non. No oni ono anu oh. Oki oku atu on. Onti onto notu tun.


"Live the dream founded upon truth. Truth is held within the heart. Find the truth and one may weave the dream. Live the truth and one becomes the dreamer and the dream."




Until our next communication,


The Tao and the One Source








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