Future Based on the Studies of Robert Monroe      by Val Valerian




When Robert Monroe was taken to a period in his travels to the Earth in the future, around 3,000 AD, he was surprised to learn that the deep gray and brown bands/rings were no longer around the planet. Instead, there was a single flat ring which radiated light of its own accord. The ring was full of communication, but no discordant noise. There were no cities or evidence of any mechanized civilization on the surface of the planet. The air was clean, clear and the ecological balance of the planet was restored. He questioned the entity accompanying him about the environment, and it was said that the ecological balance was restored by design, not by virtue of a disaster followed by random rebound back to health. There were no people at all living en masse on the planet, and this was also by design. In fact, the whole planet was at a different frequency level.


Monroe eventually came across entities on the planet, but they were non-physical and used non-verbal communication. They told him that they did "use" physical bodies on occasion, and that they kept the bodies, which they referred to as "containers", manifested from thought patterns using any mass at hand, in "energy cocoons" to keep them preserved, ready for use and in good condition. These entities, even while occupying a body, could transmute matter. One of them materialized a piece of fruit, and gave it to Monroe, who consumed it with relish. They told Monroe he could experience "compressed learning modes", which they defined as being able to experience "earth consciousness" from the viewpoint of every species -- they could, in essence, integrate their consciousness at will with any life form, experience that life form, and disengage their consciousness from it. There had obviously been a heavy withdrawal from survival imprints and the "body consciousness" of the civilization of the "old Earth". They could even have the experience of being "eaten alive" (the genetic memory of horror for humans in a body for millions of years) -- and pop out again with ease. There was no need for "sleep", and they could draw energy from ambient space, whether they used a body or not.

門羅最終遇到了地球上的實體,但是他們是非肉身的,而且交流無需通過語言。他們告訴他,他們偶爾“使用”肉身,他們保留身體,他們稱之爲“容器”,以任何手頭的材料由思想形式顯現爲他們的身體,在“能量繭”中使自己受到保護,隨時可用,而且狀態良好。這些實體,即使在占用身體時,也能改變物質。他們中的一個人物化了一隻水果,並給了門羅,門羅津津有味地吃了它。他們告訴門羅,他能經曆“壓縮學習模式”,他們將之定義爲,能從所有物種的角度經驗“地球意識”—— 在本質上,他們能夠把他們的意識任意與任何生命形式結合起來,以經歷這個生命形式,并能讓他們的意識脫離這個生命。他們顯然從殘存烙印、“老地球”文明的“身體意識”中遠遠撤離了。他們甚至能有自己被“活活吃掉”的經驗(體内的數百萬年前人類恐怖的遺傳記憶)——再一次輕鬆地一躍而出。他們不必“睡覺”,他們能從周圍的空間吸取能量,不論他們是否使用身體。

Now, this is the interesting part. They told Monroe that entities newly arriving on Earth at that time period first had to experience one human life cycle in a period of time before the changes were made, and then they were allowed to spend time there. Monroe was told that these one-time experiences were going on in the 20th century for some of those destined to return to occupy the dimensional area around Earth in 3000 AD+. Those who graduated from the Earth environment in 3,000 AD did not return to Earth. They no longer needed to experience Earth and could take on physical forms in lessening degrees of density and radiation patterns until they no longer felt the need to do so....on their journey to the infinite growth patterns of consciousness that were developing all the time. Happy Trails!




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