來自麥可天使長的訊息 : 行星地球新編碼 (New Codes for Planet Earth)



Economic Balance and Abundance for All---The Energies for February 2008

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn


行星地球新編碼 ( New Codes for Planet Earth )


27 日會發生寶瓶座日蝕,使地球重設它全球通訊能量的太陽碼。接著,在221日的滿月,會有一個處女座的月全蝕發生,地球將藉此重設它的月亮碼,接受自星際中心傳送的陽性月亮能量。月亮陽性是溫和、愛和支持性能量,替換掉力量支配與控制,並創造新地球的新經濟和社會結構。至愛的合一們,你們也許以這樣的方式看到,221日,太陽在雙魚座而滿月在處女座。此時,地球上的我是能量(I AM energy),以雙魚座為代表,會與物質顯化的處女座代表排成一直線,而地球將開始最終的過程,帶入它的行星高我,與地球物質本質結盟。他們將結為”一”,而天堂開將顯化在地球上。

同時,地球也感覺到這些星星力量形成的相位的影響:木星和冥王星在魔羯座及土星在處女座。魔羯座和處女座是土相星座,維持物質層面的能量。木星行運魔羯座一年,帶來地球層面擴張和覺醒的能量。而冥王星離開射手進入魔羯座, 帶來從靈性精神層面到物質層面的轉化力量( Vivien ’s Words:不能小看力量,小歸小,卻具有核彈級爆發的力量,深隧般穿透性的力量,我們若能順利轉化,可以得到量子跳躍般的揚昇,順著冥王星的流走吧,轉化我們非神聖的部份)。土星行運處女座為期二年,帶來重新建構物質層面的力量( Vivien ’s Words:處女座有星星的朋友們,It’s our time. Let’s power our manifestation ; 金牛座有星星的朋友們真是超級有力量,有魔羯與處女的星加持,前提是,快快轉化我們非神聖本質的部份)

至愛的合一們,你們進入一個令人振奮的階段,地球正歷經一個轉化的過程。最終,當平衡也已經被帶入物質層面的時刻,你們會看到天堂在人間(地球)的物質層面顯像。你們是確實地合一,並且你們將開始在可被大家分享的全球性社區共同體創造豐盛。( Vivien ’s words:讀到這一句話,感覺寶瓶世紀來到地球上的Tone,和平、共享與愛,第五次元的豐盛振動頻率)

過程已經開始了,已覺醒的光之子們,你們被請求去協助其他人了解,這很快會發生在你們行星全球性架構上的改變與轉化 ; 瞭解你們每一個人,當下正處於需要你們""的位置上。你們當中一些人在領導者的位置,而它會是你的工作去協助許多人通過這改變,將影響在地球上每個人生活的改變。

在更高的”我是”的層面(the I AM level,把" I AM"放入心中唸頌,真得很有力量),地球上每個人都己同意經歷這些改變。然而,身為已覺醒的光之子們,全然覺察第五次元能量的力量,並與之工作,你們將被請求作為領導者,引導人們進入社區與共同運作的新意識。是的,我們知道它不會是容易的,但我們對你們每一位有絕對的信心,當我們看著你們離開你們星球靈魂的家,並進入地球的化身,我們已經知道你們不會失敗。我們知道你們已具備專心一致、力量、行動,以確保這轉變以最佳最可行的方式發生。因此,我們看到你們以極大的喜悅、期望,作為你們進入你們的轉換工作的最終階段。

Dearest Lightworkers, in this month of February 2008, you will begin to feel the energies of Shift and Change on your Planet once again. Yes, as this new cycle commences, you will begin to see how the Material Manifestation of the New Earth becomes a reality for you.These changes will be focussed on the Global Economic System, and the purpose will be to create an equitable balance of resources for all on the planet. In February, there will be several important Planetary Alignments that will assist in the activation process.

On the 7th of February, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, that will enable the Earth to reset its Solar Codes for Global Community energy. Then, on the 21st of February, at Full Moon, there will be a total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. At this time, the Earth will reset its Lunar Codes to receive the transmissions of the Masculine Lunar energy from the Galactic Center. The Lunar Masculine is that Gentle, Loving, and Supportive energy that will replace Power Dominance and Control and create the new Economic and Social Structures for the New Earth. Dearest Ones, you may also see it in this way, on the 21st of February the Sun will be in Pisces and the Full Moon will be in Virgo. AT this time, the Earth's I AM energy, represented by Pisces, will align with its Material Manifestation, represented by Virgo, and the Earth will begin the final process of bringing its Planetary Higher Self into alignment with its Physical Being. They will become One. Heaven begins to manifest on Earth.

At this time too, the Earth feels also the influence of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, and Saturn in Virgo. Capricorn and Virgo are Earth signs that hold the energies of the Material Plane. Jupiter, in Capricorn for this year, brings the energy of Expansion and Awakening to the Earth plane. Pluto, leaving Sagittarius and entering Capricorn, brings the energy of Transformation from the Spiritual Plane to the Material Plane. Saturn, in Virgo for the next two years, carries the energy of Restructuring on the Material Level.

Dearest Ones, you are entering an exciting phase in your Planet's ongoing Transformation Process. At last, you will begin to see the Material Manifestation of Heaven on Earth, as balance is brought back to the Material Plane. You are indeed One, and you will begin to create Abundance within your Global Community that can be shared by All.

The process has already begun, and as awakened Lightworkers, you are asked to assist others to understand the Changes and Transformations that will soon occur on your Planet and on a Global Scale. Know that Each one of You is exactly where you need to be right now. Some of you are in positions of Leadership, and it will be your work to assist many people through the changes that will affect the lives of every person on Earth.

Each person on earth now has agreed, on the Higher Level, the I AM level, to go through these changes. However, you as Awakened Lightworkers, fully aware of the power of the Fifth-dimensional energy with which you work, will be the Leaders who will be asked to guide people into a new sense of Community and Co-Operation. Yes, we know it will not be easy, but we have absolute faith in each one of you. When we saw you leaving your Stellar Soul Homes and going into incarnation on Earth, we knew that you would not fail. We knew that you had the Dedication, the Power, and the Motivation, to ensure that this Transformation would take place in the best possible way. And so, we watch you with great Joy and Anticipation, as you enter into this final phase of your Transformation Work.




在新地球能量中,這個系統逐步地被另一個升起的全球性合作與通信交流系統取代,將是一個資源、技能與愛的共享。而我們說,親愛的光工作者們,你們是這過程的帶領者,它不會由政府獨自完成,他們總是投資太多在舊的地球能量系統;新地球會由光的工作們的願景、熱情、行動和專心致力創造,且同時擁有創造以愛為基礎的結構,全球性社區共享與滋養支持的結構。將創造透過新地球顯化的模版。( Vivien ’s Words : 好像新天堂樂園的誕生,真期待,有創造力的各位把力量展現出來吧,躍躍欲試^^!,加緊練習靜心,觀想一個新天堂樂園。)





The Old Energy Gives Way to the New

As the New Codes for Material Change are activated within the Planetary Body, you will be asked to deal with some challenging energies. As the Old encounters the New, there is always resistance. But You, as Lightworkers and Masters of Light, are familiar with the process of Transformation, and you know how to hold your center in Love and Peace, and not be pulled into the energies of fear and panic. For, indeed, this will be your work in the future time that comes.

In the Old earth economic structure, a system was set up so that a few became extremely wealthy, but the majority were impoverished. Indeed, this was achieved by thought form manipulation, and by creating an illusion of lack and scarcity that created economic coercion and "slavery". On a Global scale, twenty percent of the Earth's population comsumes eighty percent of the Planet's resources, creating further imbalances and further illusions of lack and scarcity that allow for abuses of the Planet and her Peoples.

In the New Earth energy, gradually this system will be replaced by another rising system of Global Co-operation and Communication, where there will be a sharing of Resources and Skills and Love. And we say, Dearest Lightworkers, that you are the Leaders in this process. It will not be achieved by governments alone, they often have too much invested in the Old Earth energy system. The New Earth will be created by Lightworkers with Vision, Passion, Motivation and Dedication, but who also have the ability to create structures based on Love, Sharing and Support within their communities. They will create the models through which the New Earth will manifest.

Dearest Ones, many of you are already engaged in such work, and many of you will be called to work in these projects and to give of yourselves in this way. But know also, that each one of you will be asked to serve the Greater Good by dealing with these energies in your own lives in a balanced and loving way. Remember, you are One, and you are all connected, and you can assist each other to hold the balance and be clear and fearless as you encounter the changes and the resistance that may arise in people.

There will be two aspects to this balancing process. Some may experience the illusion of "loss" as the balancing procedure produces fears of "recession", "stock market crashes", "bankruptcy", and other deeply held economic survival fears that will come up to be cleared from the physical records of the Planet and of your physical bodies. Know, beloved ones, that the end of this process will mean that you will gain your Economic Freedom, and so some small sacrifices may need to be made. Know that you will always be supported and cared for as you move through the process of realignment and change.

Of course, the challenge may also come in another way. Those who have never had abundance may suddenly find themselves having to steward resources for groups of people, that will require financial acumen and skills that they will need to learn. So, the issue may not be loss, but how to effectively deal with large scale resources so that many people may benefit in a material way.

And, as you go through these changes and as you learn new skills, you will need to draw on the Lunar Masculine energy. Work with Gentleness, Love and Compassion, but be organized and structured and grounded and practical. It is time to ground your dreams into manifestation with the assistance of this new energy!






Know that You Have the Skills

Remember, dearest ones, that you have all the skills of the Master of Light, to assist you in this process.

You know how to create and manifest what you need through Intention, Focus and Grounding. You need never fear.

You know how to deal with the illusions that fear creates, emotions such as panic, disaster consciousness anxiety and depression. Stay centered in your Heart, in Unconditional Love and Trust. Know that All is Well.

You know how to be in your Heart and experience the Abundance and Love and Joy and Peace that is always available to each one of you as you experience your Divine I AM essence. You need never fear lack and loss.




而至愛的所有人們,別忘了214 日是情人節!這時間只要去獲得樂趣,和慶祝浪漫的愛及喜悅。畢竟,變愛的能力仍然是一個極大的喜悅,存在於你們地球行星人類的身體內。而且,喜悅確實協助你們能輕易經歷挑戰的時刻。因此,214日,何不慶祝愛的所有形式,不僅僅是浪漫的愛。讓它成為這樣一個日子,慶祝這喜悅,為著所有人發生的喜悅,全球性無條件的愛和豐盛!

The Energies in February 2008

The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th of February, at the New Moon, will provide a time to meditate on the seed time of a new Global Community. The Lunar Eclipse at Full Moon in Virgo, will provide an opportunity for Earth Ceremonies to honor this new shift in the Earth's evolution, and the creation of abundance for all the peoples of the Earth. At this time, dearest ones, you can focus on the incoming Lunar Masculine energies, and work to make them a part of your life.

The energies of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, will mean that you will begin to feel the deep restructuring that is taking place more clearly in your lives as you move forward into the new cycle.

And, Dearest Ones, do not forget that February 14th is Valentine's Day! This is a time just to have fun and celebrate Romantic Love and Joy. After all. the ability to "fall in love" is still one of the greatest joys of being in a human body on Planet Earth. And indeed, Joy is what will assist you to move through these challenging times with ease. So, on February 14th, why not celebrate Love in all its forms, not just Romantic Love. Let it be a day to celebrate the Joy of Global Unconditional Love and Abundance for All!


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