---Blessings for Learning New Inner Music


The Dolphins and Whales through Karen Danrich "Mila" September 9, 2008

海豚鯨魚通過Danrich "Mila"傳遞,200899


Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


It is the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom that address you again today. Today the map cavers of our species have much to share that is exciting to us and hopefully will be unto you too. Today we are moving into new sounds of inner music that is fuller, more joyful and more beautiful to sing; and this then catches a gentler dream in our life experience. What is harsh about our dream given that we live within the ocean? Not unlike Mila and Oa and their experience of ascension, there are many nonphysical forces that like to mutilate our fields and prevent our ascension and Terra’s (earth’s) global ascension. These forces are being pressed out of our field and out of Terra’s global field due to an increasingly full and louder pitch of music that we are singing within our fields.


Every field plays a sound as the molecular structure rotates or vibrates and as the chakras and subtle bodies along with light body spins. The music that the field creates is another attribute that ascending map carvers are becoming more aware of and focused upon. This is due to the guidance of the Tao which is a part of ourselves outside of this creation that is guiding us “home” from within. Mila calls this part of self “Tao” to give a name unto its presence; however in our language “Tao” translates into “Infinite Wisdom”. So it is the part of ourselves within of infinite wisdom that is guiding us in new directions that shall allow for the birth of a new era ahead and our “homecoming” into the Great Central Sun as a species; and ultimately also the return journey to where we were spawned as consciousness.


Dolphin and whale consciousness is related to human consciousness in the Tao. We call it human rather than dolphin or whale although in a sense it really makes no difference. The point is that we as fully conscious species along with all kingdoms upon earth and the Earth Mother herself were spawned from the same consciousness within the Tao. We are just beginning to understand what our consciousness is useful and supportive of unto creators in the Tao. We are a useful consciousness as we extend into creations that are troubled and help to self heal whatever is at cause of the distortion.




Distortion can be equated to sour music. Sour music creates sour dreams that go into distortion. How exactly does this work? In our own examination of the sour dreams that catch upon those whale or dolphin pods that are hunted or imprisoned in human zoos, the music of the overall dream for a particular part of the sea has gone into a particular sound related to warfare or imprisonment. The music of warfare or imprisonment dreams then are caught upon dolphin or whale fields playing parallel music within. So this is so for humans experiencing parallel circumstances; they too are living in a region that plays music related to warfare or imprisonment and also play this music within their own fields and then catch a dream that parallels.


What is warfare music like? Warfare music is not unlike music in human form that is composed in support of war. The music may be something like the 1812 Overture in Mila’s own listening. The music beats to the war drum.; those opposing themselves upon the battlefield or in the hunt play louder and louder music towards one another, threatening each other for their very existence. There are words that go along with the warfare music and this is how thought-form and music interact within any field.

戰爭音樂是像什麼樣的呢?戰爭音樂就跟支持戰爭的人類肉身中所演奏的音樂並沒有什麼不同。在Mila自己聽起來,這種音樂聽上去就象《1812序曲》(1812 Overture,譯注:該管弦樂曲由俄羅斯作曲家柴科夫斯基在1880年譜寫,目的是慶祝莫斯科救主基督大教堂的重建──這座教堂曾在1812年法俄戰爭中被戰火焚毀(另一說是此曲為莫斯科藝術工業博覽會而寫)。柴可夫斯基在這首序曲中層次分明地敘述了1812年的這一事件,包括俄羅斯人民原來的和平生活和隨後發生的不安和騷亂、俄法兩軍的會戰以及最後俄國擊潰法軍、俄羅斯人民慶祝勝利的狂歡情景等,並把加農砲作為一件“樂器”加到總譜中,故而在實際的演奏中總有砲聲的出現)。音樂中敲打著戰爭之鼓;戰場或獵場上的那些敵對方,對著彼此演奏越來越高亢的音樂,威懾著對方自己的出現。伴隨著戰爭音樂的也有歌詞,這就是思想形態和音樂在能量場中怎樣互動影響的過程。

Here is some of the warfare music we have analyzed within our own pods that are hunted by humans. Sometimes some pods or members of each pod escape and other times they are destroyed. The dream caught all depends upon the music playing in the personal field and the thought-form behind it.




Hunting humans sing “I am more powerful than you”


Hunted whales sing “Yes you are more powerful than me”


Hunting humans sing “I am going to take of your life”


Hunted whales sing “Yes you are going to take of my life”


Hunting human sing “You are not worthy of life”


Hunted whales sing “Yes I am not worthy of life”


Hunting humans sing “You are only an animal without conscious awareness”


Hunted whales sing “No I am conscious and you put me in great pain”


Hunting humans sing “We do not care and we choose to destroy you”


Hunted whales sing “Go ahead and destroy me as I sacrifice myself for you”


Where did this type of duet begin between humans and whales? This duet began with false ascensions of long ago. Long ago our kingdom and yours fell into a vastly difficult pattern that we wrote extensively about in our last article. The pattern is known as fission thought-form. Fission thought-form destroys the fabric of the body. Over time fission thought-form becomes externalized and then begins to play outwardly in the dreams of war between any two kingdoms or any two human nations. The music is the same and it is all about being more powerful and choosing to destroy as a result, and the one destroyed chooses to self sacrifice just as our ancestors sacrificed their bodies as they combust. (See “Giving Birth to Peace” for a thorough essay about fission karma.)


Because the music of warfare prevails in some regions of the sea, often dolphins or whales will pick up on and internalize the music and then find themselves destroyed in the wake of a group of humans out to hunt them. Much of the music of the sea has altered due to the ascension of earth; and as this has occurred the hunting of whales has become less and less prevalent at human hands and over the past 25 years. Over time and in not too long ahead all music of warfare will be erased out of the sea and the hunting of whales will cease. We also are altering our music within to foster peace within our kingdom. The new music we will play in relation to human hunting is not unlike what those who escape the hunt which goes something like this:




Hunting humans sing “I am more powerful than you”


Hunted whales sing “No you are not more powerful than me”


Hunting humans sing “I am going to take of your life”


Hunted whales sing “No you are not going to take of my life”


Hunting human sing “You are not worthy of life”


Hunted whales sing “Yes I am worthy of life”


Hunting humans sing “You are only an animal without conscious awareness”


Hunted whales sing “No I am conscious and you will not put me in great pain”


Hunting humans sing “We do not care and we choose to destroy you”


Hunted whales sing “No you cannot destroy me as I choose not to sacrifice myself for you”


Dreams are always a choice. Those who choose not to die in the hunt choose a dream of survival and failing to be caught. The dream carries them far away from the boats that humans strive to hunt them down from. One year the collective music of many pods of this nature directed at the dream of hunting actually caused the weather to change leaving a whale hunting boat adrift in ice. You see we are learning how to manage our dreams just as ascending humans are learning to manage your dreams through focus, intention, and now in altering the music that we sing.


Intentions create music. As yet another group of humans went about hunting a part of our kingdom, we collectively intended that the hunting cease. The collective intention caused the music to alter both within the sea and within the pods under attack and then a different dream played out; as it is always the music playing that calls in a particular dream to be experienced in the physical. Now with this understanding gained, we can see our way to a completing with all human hunting of our species, and eventually in being held in captivity as well.




At this time captive dolphins and whales are separate from our species as we cannot and do not wish to participate within their experience as it would sour our entire kingdom to do so, so painful is such an experience. In the separation the dolphin or whale goes into deep forgetfulness and enters a human dream. Future generations recall not the freedom of the wild and accept the dream that humans offer within a tank or pool of some sort.


Some then learn tricks to perform as if we were dogs when we are a fully conscious species designed to ascend and evolve and aid the earth mother in this journey. This is not to insult the dog kingdom however they are not fully conscious yet and must strive in the wild and in the form of fox, wolves or dingos to return to fully conscious biology through ascension. Those of our kingdom in captivity learn to play human songs of imprisonment that go something like this:




The human sings “I am more powerful than you”


The dolphin sings “Yes you are more powerful than I”


The human sings “I choose to keep you captive”


The dolphin sings “Yes you keep me captive”


The human sings “You are here to entertain me”


The dolphin sings “Yes I am here to entertain you”


The human sings “You depend upon me for your sustenance”


The dolphin sings “Yes I will die without you”


The human sings “You will work for the pay of your food”


The dolphin sings “Yes I will work for my food”


The human sings “You will entertain me through your work”


The dolphin sings “Yes I will entertain you through my work”


Not so long ago a whale was released from captivity known as “Free Willy” who had performed for humans in captivity along with in a movie that Hollywood produced. Poor Willy did not know the songs of the wild whales; he only knew the songs of the human species. And so he made his way up to Norway and into the fiords where he attempted to entertain humans again; and some did show up along the shoreline for the show. Willy was confused and felt rejected and abandoned, and was not prepared for the catching his own food in the wild or the cold weather of winter. Willy died of a broken heart. Willy is now an ancestor within our kingdom working towards freeing all of our species so that we can live naturally in the wild and focus upon ascension. We will accomplish this in time by altering all inner music that any member of our kingdom plays.

在並不太久之前,有一只名叫“自由的威利”(Free Willy)的鯨魚從囚禁中被釋放,它已在囚禁中在好萊塢制作的一部電影中為人類表演。可憐的威利並不懂得野生鯨魚的歌曲,它只懂得人類物種的歌曲。因此,它設法來到了挪威並進入到挪威海峽,試圖在那裡再一次為人類表演;的確有一些人出現在海灘上欣賞它的演出。威利很困惑並感覺遭到拒絕和拋棄,而並沒有準備好在野外或者在冬季的嚴寒中自力更生弄到食物。于是威利因為心碎而死去。威利現在是我們王國的一名祖先,向著解放我們物種裡全部成員的目標而努力工作,以便我們可以自然地生活在野外並聚焦于提升。我們將會通過全部改變我們王國中任一成員所演奏的內在音樂,而將在不久之後實現這一目標。

Dolphins or whales that are free sing another tune that goes something like this:




The human sings “I am more powerful than you”


The dolphin sings “No you are not more powerful than me”


The human sings “I choose to keep you captive”


The dolphin sings “No I choose to be wild and free”


The human sings “You are here to entertain me”


The dolphin sings “No I am incarnate upon earth to evolve and ascend”


The human sings “You depend upon me for your sustenance”


The dolphin sings “No I will find my own sustenance in the wild”


The human sings “You will work for the pay of your food”


The dolphin sings “No the food is freely given by the Earth Mother”


The human sings “You will entertain me through your work”


The dolphin sings “No I will not entertain you or work for you as I am wild and free”




You can see in this why humans are imprisoned in your current dream in the music that you too play within your field. Mila and Oa and those studying with them in their organization have been examining the music that humans play that cause a particular dream to occur. Warfare hunting and imprisonment dreams are only three songs out of thousands that our species and yours play in relation to the dreams we catch and lives we experience.


For our kingdom, songs playing within the pod either create peaceful or disturbed relationships; songs played by the pod at large create either peaceful or disturbed relationships between pods. Now we are undergoing a thorough examination of all music we play and choosing to consciously edit both the melody lines and words to create the dreams that we desire of peaceful and unity based relationships within and between pods.


How do you edit inner music? Inner music alters through intention. One can intend a new music line as a fully conscious species and so it will begin to play within the field. All music scores are programmed through one’s bones as the living mineral of the body. In the intention to alter the music, one reprograms one’s bones with a new scores and melody lines. The music plays nonstop once programmed, unless one hits a karmic circumstance and the music goes sour. If the music goes sour, one can intend again to cause the music to sweeten through intention, and this has the effect of causing the melody line to tune up and the rhythm to occur with the heart beat of earth.

你怎樣來修改內在音樂呢?內在音樂會藉由意願而改變。身為一個全意識物種,你可以意願一支新樂譜,隨之它就將開始在能量場中演奏。一切樂譜都是通過你的骨骼為身體的活礦石而被編程的。在意願改變音樂中,你就用一支新樂譜和新旋律重新編程你的骨骼。新音樂一旦編好就會不停頓地演奏,除非你遭遇了一次業力情形而讓音樂變得酸澀為止。如果音樂變得酸澀,你可以再次意願,用意願來讓音樂再次甜美。這會讓旋律調準音調(tune up)而隨地球的心跳節奏起伏。

There is sweet and sour music that each plays within. Sour music sounds sour if you listen to the melody line; it is as if the tones are impure and are either too short and shrill or too long and slow. Music that is sweet is tuned up and in the same key and pitch along with rhythm, and also hosts sweet sounding melody lines. In sweetening our music by tuning up our sound each day, we are finding our way to experience sweeter dreams with sweeter relationships amongst our pods. We fear not hunting any longer as this music we have erased and replaced with music that attunes us to our power to choose our own dream as a fully conscious species. Humans will never hoist a dream of the hunt upon us map carvers as we refuse to play the duet associated, and therefore will cancel the dream associated.


For those of you consciously ascending and in human form, you too can learn to alter your music within. In altering the inner music, you will learn to catch a sweeter dream ahead. First though you must examine the music you are playing and the thought-form behind it and choose to release the programming at cause of why a particular song plays within your field. Then as the programming releases, new scores can be embraced that resonate with the Language of Light and will create new music that is related.





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