
What does the music of the Language of Light equate unto? The thought-form behind this language allows for the experience of ascension and empowerment towards full consciousness. There is no destructive thought-form in the sound of the Language of Light and so death music or war music or imprisonment music is simply not possible to create as a result.


Where does war death and imprisonment music come from? Mostly such sounds come from foreign transcriptions of music held in Pleiadian, Arcturian, Orion or some other DNA. Music from foreign creations will never sound sweet here upon earth as they were devised for a different sounding creation. The sounds therefore are sour in comparison with music constructed from purely Sirian DNA resonant with earth and our Great Central Sun. Ultimately to release therefore all sour music from the field that causes sour dreams, one will have to transmute all foreign DNA into Sirian DNA that creates harmonious music from within that is language of light based.


The focus of purification of DNA is not new to the ascending map carvers of your species or ours. However now there is a new technical attribute of foreign DNA that can be examined and understood in relation to the dreams your species and ours catch and the music at cause of the experience. Now in addition to intending to alter the DNA, one can also intend to alter the score of the music that one plays to allow the dreams one is intending to more greatly catch in the dance of life. Scores of music are related to life scripts.


The life scripts are altering due to the new ascension based astrological archetypes that are anchored through all of nature. As the music changes, one can more readily live an ascending life script and dream; and ascending life scripts are about unity, collaboration, living in harmony with one’s own species and all other species, and contributing to the ascension of the whole in world service. As the internal music alters, the new ascending life scripts can more greatly catch in the dance of life, and this leads to greater unity and joy amongst those who are consciously choosing to ascend at this time.




There are many types of music and we wish to explore some that plays in our species along with yours. There is the song between beloveds whether they are male and female, two males or two females. We too have gay relationships in our kingdom and they do balance the energy of the pod; and this is necessary to the overall music that each group creates. Love songs often go like this in our kingdom:




 “I love you”


I love you too”


I honor you”


I honor you too”


I share my sexual flow with you”


Yes I share and give and receive in balance”


I share my dreams with you”


Yes I share and give and receive in balance”


I share my truth with you”


Yes I share my truth also with you”


I sing my song in my truth”


And I sing my song in my truth that complements your truth”


I sing a duet of love with you”


Yes I sing a duet of love”


 This is new music that is replacing old inner love ballads in our kingdom. The old love ballads were not loving at all but rather founded upon ownership and subordination. Often only one music line would dominate and the pair would play the same music rather than complementary music that allowed for the expression of two truths. Pairs were considered as one within the pod and perhaps this is why as they did not have music that distinguished themselves from one another. Pods also have a common music line that distinguishes one Pod from another and we are learning to diversify our music more greatly so that there can be greater expressions of unique truths within each pod.


The old music of courtship went something like this:




I love you”


Yes I love you”


Play my music”


Yes I will play your music”


We have one heartbeat”


Yes we have one heartbeat”


We have one truth”


Yes we have one truth”


We are in love”


Yes we are in love”


You will not be with another”


No I will only be with you”


You will not sing any other song”


No I only sing your song”


Now although this may sound romantic, it is not recognized that having the same truth and the same song and the same beat is actually ownership in action. How and why is this so? Well each biology has a unique truth and music. The one that chooses to leave behind their music for the beloved loses their unique truth; and this then bends their will or subordinates the expression of existence to the beloved. In the dance of subordination, one is on top and the other on the bottom; and the one on top owns the one on the bottom. The one on top holds a melody line that supports their truth and the one on bottom sacrifices their melody line losing their truth. We see that this pattern also plays out amongst many human beloveds and it is why we share of our experience.


In altering the inner music to be unique for each but complementary, there is the space for two truths and two expressions that harmonize in the dance of relationship. The sexual energy can still be shared but it is of varying sounds that then create a more expanded music together. The beloveds are powerful in their own truth and powerful together in a different manner due to harmonized music each playing their own score or duet. So this is coming to be so for our pods as well; as we are learning to each play unique music that resounds together in greater harmony and multiple duets. This creates fuller and more amplified music; and the fuller music allows for less space for the dark that has plagued this reality to enter the dream. The dark requires holes and gaps in the sound to enter; and as there are fewer holes and gaps due to fuller and more expanded music that harmonizes, then there is simply no place for them to dance within our fields. As a result we are less subject to energetic shattering in our continued ascensions.




We are altering our sounds in many ways under the guidance of the Tao. One way is to turn up the volume or amplify the sound; the other is to add more music lines increasing the size of our inner orchestra that plays 24 hours per day. Perhaps the music recycles every 6 hours rather than 4; and we have 6 hours of unique melody lines that play leaving us feeling fuller and more joyful in the dance of life. We are also adding variant octaves and playing them simultaneously; instead of males only playing a low pitch of sound and females a high pitch, now both males and females within our kingdom are moving towards high medium and low pitch playing in each field. This also is what causes the greater fullness of sound that then creates little space for the dark to be present in our dreams.


The female will always play a higher pitch of music than the male as this is how the two genders distinguish their truths from one another. However within the male and female are now high, medium and low sounds and when played together create such a more greatly full sound that there is little comparison between our fields before and after. The fuller sound also makes ascension easier, and allows schisms or gaps in the development of crystalline DNA that had previously failed to release to be perceived so that they can be addressed. We are on our way to creating the complete ascension that we need to in order to support earth in her ascension ahead; and this is all coming about due to expanding internal music.


Dolphins and whales like to sing as we swim. The singing is often love songs between parent and child or beloveds in our pods. We are hoping to develop new vocal chords that allow for a fuller sound and perhaps the playing of two to three notes or a chord of sound simultaneously. We have records of a more ancient biology that played two notes; and we are hoping to modify this into three as well. Nothing is impossible through intention and in time your scientists may discover very different music emanating through our ascending species as a result.




Singing is also another means to tuning up the field so that the inner sour music can cease and all parts of the spin can play in time and in tune with all others. Humans often like music and like to sing as well; and so we recommend this as the sounds made reverberate through the body and allow the cellular music and sound within the water element in particular within to tune up as well. Water responds to music and records geometrical patterns within due to the molecular music playing. This is why humans have found water to respond to your thoughts, blessings and truth. Music in your cities goes very sour and leads to sour water element within the body which leads to disease. Move into the countryside or by the pristine ocean and you will be able to tune up your water element within and this will lead to sustaining one’s health as an ascending human.


Water that is polluted also makes sour sounds. We know where to go and where not to due to the sour music playing in the ocean. There are many places the map carvers no longer venture unto as moving into sour sounding music due to polluted ocean will cause our internal music to sour and this will lead to disease rather than further ascension. Ascending humans have the same problem as some land is very sweet in sound and some very sour. Live upon the sour land long enough and you too will go sour and this will lead to disease. However you can also learn to sweeten the music upon the land through intention and reprogram the minerals in particular to play a sweeter sound or even tune up regularly. Minerals are conscious and are willing to alter their sound if requested.




We are learning to re-pattern some regions of the sea that are troubling earth with new music to support her ascension. We journey to such places and re-pattern them and then are free to leave. So can humans also cause the land that you travel unto to sweeten through intention. However before anyone can sweeten another or another piece of land, one has to learn how to sweeten and expand one’s own sound. Tuning up the field is an art and one that Mila and Oa and their school are experimenting with as human map carvers; as are we as dolphin and whale map carvers. Mostly we are learning to draw upon the sweet music playing in earth’s aurora or the sun’s aurora, and then comparing our sound to the music in the two cores. If our sounds are sour, we re-attune them to the scale playing in the auroras. We have found this most helpful to remaining sweet even when traversing through sour regions of the sea.


Earth is also learning to attune herself to the aurora of our 18th dimensional sun that is also ascending at this time. As earth continues to learn sweeter music and expand upon it, sooner or later there will be no room for sour music. Sour music within creates disease as well as warfare. The sour music plays upon the body level dream instead of the life dream calling in a dream of disease. Sweeten the body level dream in all of its sounds and this will sweeten the music playing in all cells; and disease can be put behind our kingdom and yours. As Terra moves into a state where only sweet music sounds, all dreams will shift and a brighter and more joyful day will be born ahead.


We are learning a new song beloved. We call upon those in human form who resonate with our kingdom to also learn a new song within. The new song will press up to the surface all that no longer resonates with the new melody lines to be cleared. Thoughts of destruction are the most likely to surface as the new sweet music earth is moving into is non-destructive in nature. Destructive thoughts are held in non-resonant and foreign DNA. Transmute the DNA and the destructive thoughts and music will cease; as will the sour music that leads to disease; and a new day amongst those consciously ascending can be born.


Our little ones are coming in with new music as a result of our changes within the adult map carving populations. So this will also be so for the ascending children in human form ahead. The new music will then catch upon the bones of the adults and in particular the parents and this will lead to sweeter dreams for ascending families. The sweeter dreams and sounds of the ascending families will spread to catch upon other humans nearby or that the children go to school with; and sooner or later there will be a new sweeter dream that most humans will begin to live. This will lead to a time of greater peace unity and the restructuring of your civilization. Perhaps this is not as hard as we thought to orchestrate for your kingdom or ours; and the Tao within is providing the keys necessary to fulfill upon this global goal of the Earth Mother.




The Earth Mother has vast goals for the dreams of fully conscious species. Fully conscious species are to help pave the way to a new thought-form and sound that shall prevail over all dreams. The dream of the hunt also plays out in the natural world dreams due to how fully conscious species combust. As we combust, fission thought-form became global leading to the experience of the hunt amongst all kingdoms. The music of the hunt is also related to foreign DNA within many kingdoms that also must be purified. All kingdoms are ascending and anchoring new genetics and purifying themselves just as the map carvers are doing within fully conscious species; and so in time all will be purified.


As the Dolphin and Whale kingdoms move into a new dream where the hunt ceases, we will amplify this new music for all other kingdoms to attune unto. Soon the new music will catch and as the nature kingdoms purify themselves of discordant thought-form through ascension; and the hunting of any species shall cease. This too is one of our goals as a kingdom to orchestrate upon earth; we know that Mila and Oa are also focused upon this goal with those in their organization. This allows our two kingdoms to work together for this common goal; and to restore peace upon earth.


This year we have focused alongside Mila and Oa and during their events as well as between events upon the clearing that each of our kingdoms must fulfill upon in order to support earth in her transformation out of fission thought-form. As fully conscious species pull together and work together towards common ascension goals, a new dream is drawn to the dance in which collaboration between all species shall one day unfold. We are learning we cannot reject humans; although much as within our own kingdom, there are those who are more aware and those who are less. The less aware ones shall perish and mostly due to disease and failed ascension in our estimation; and this shall purify our kingdom along with yours.


Do not fear the deaths and diseases ahead beloved. Ascension can allow a pathway to form that is disease free; or if one ascends into disease then one can ascend out of it learning the vital lessons of why your inheritance experienced a particular circumstance that made the body ill. This is not wrong; and even if death is the end, all ancestors continue to exist beyond death and much like Willy contribute due to their life experience to the ascent of your species ahead.


We invite you to attune to our kingdom and learn the new music and the new sounds and thought-form of duets that play a love song between you and us. As we restore love between our kingdoms, love will begin to flow between all kingdoms, as we are the fully conscious ones altering the scripts, changing the dream, and altering the music unto which we dance. We have greater hope now than ever and bless you with hope also so that you too can pull out of the sour music you have been singing, and into sweeter times ahead.


We thank you for listening to what we have to share. We wish you the best in your continued journey of ascension. May you learn the new music and ascend into a greater depth of internal peace, love and self healing ahead. If you feel called, we invite you to join us at the Masters Conclave in Maui this October as our species is working closely with Mila and Oa in the purpose of this event. We are focusing upon learning and amplifying ohana based music into global thought-form.


We leave you with these thoughts 我們在這些思想中離開你們,

Until our next communication 直到我們下一次交流,

Namaste 合十致敬

The Dolphin and Whale Kingdom 海豚鯨魚王國




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